Judging question about '62 hood support 4 tanged spring washer

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  • Jonathan S.
    Frequent User
    • February 20, 2009
    • 65

    Judging question about '62 hood support 4 tanged spring washer


    During a recent judging meet, the individual judging my car informed me that the 4 tanged spring washer riveted on the hood support arm of my '62 should have been black. The JM says nothing about this, and I am trying to verify whether this was true are not. If it is true, can someone point me to some documentary sources that support this.

    I have attached a thumbnail photo of the rivet and 4 tanged spring washer for everyone's edification.
    Attached Files
  • Edward L.
    • January 1, 1993
    • 278

    Re: Judging question about '62 hood support 4 tanged spring washer

    The washer should be black. A black magic marker works quite well.


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