Thinking about powder coating my instrument cluster any pros or cons?
62 Instrument Cluster
Re: 62 Instrument Cluster
My 62 cluster housing looks very 'tan' rather than fawn beige. I am going to repaint it and wondered about the proper color. From the info I see, it appears that it should be painted with the Trim color found in the NCRS Spec Guide. Years ago when speaking with one of the plant painters I asked about painting the clusters. I have his written response that indicate the cluster was painted as in picture (page 210 of Vol 1, of Noland Adams Complete Corvette Resto. . . .Guide). He went on to say 'then removed - sanded & painted in a paint repair booth where the side inserts & black out work was done'. My cluster does not look like it has been repainted and is a dull tan, should it be the dull tan or more metalic? Any recomendations of paint brand and source? I would prefer one of the original vendors however several have said it would not hold up in sun due to the current formula contents.David Dawdy- Top