69 rear bumper follow-up question

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  • Jim M.
    • February 23, 2009
    • 233

    69 rear bumper follow-up question

    The rear bumper mounting bolts along with the portion that hangs down on either side of the license plate all have metal brackets behind the fiberglass but on my 69 there are no metal brackets behind the bolt that goes on the side mounting bolt. Is this correct? Jim
  • Alan S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 1, 1989
    • 3413

    Re: 69 rear bumper follow-up question

    Hi Jim,
    You're right about there being no 'side' bracket. It was still that way in 71, so changed in 72 or in 73 for the finale of the chrome bumpers.

    PS: On my 71 the flat washer on that side bolt was a little too large in diameter to fit into the recess in the fiberglass and damaged the glass on each side. I ended up having someone cut the washer down a bit to be safe, when I put the bumpers back on. You may want to check yours as you tighten the bolts.
    Last edited by Alan S.; August 12, 2009, 03:50 PM.
    71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
    Mason Dixon Chapter
    Chapter Top Flight October 2011


    • Rich P.
      • January 12, 2009
      • 1361

      Re: 69 rear bumper follow-up question


      since there is no reinforcing bracket on the outer hole what you should do is to put locktite on the bolt and snug it. If you crank it you will stand a very good chance of craking or busting a chunk out of the raised bumper mount. The locktite will prevent the bolt from loosening up and either fallong out or causing a rattle.



      • Jim M.
        • February 23, 2009
        • 233

        Re: 69 rear bumper follow-up question

        Thanks for the info Alan and Rich, both good sugestions. I'm thinking about putting a fairly thick rubber washer on the inside along with a flat washer then snugging it only with some thread locker. Since the car is not going to be judged, it just seems to make sense to do something other then what the factory did. jim


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