66 Rocker Panels - NCRS Discussion Boards

66 Rocker Panels

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  • John M.
    • December 31, 1997
    • 813

    66 Rocker Panels

    Is there a special technique for putting 66 rocker panels on? We recently put the spears on my friends 67 side exhaust car by sliding them over the mount from back to front. It doesn't look like this will work here.
    Thanks for any advice.
  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • November 30, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: 66 Rocker Panels

    John -

    They install straight-on from the side. Installation is simplified enormously by using a #8 flat washer between the sheet metal retainer strip and the body at each retainer screw location; makes it much easier to position the molding so its flange will drop behind the upper flange on the retainer strip.


    • John M.
      • December 31, 1997
      • 813

      Re: 66 Rocker Panels

      Thank you John.
      Every little trick helps, sometimes in a very big way.


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