Steering Box repair! - NCRS Discussion Boards

Steering Box repair!

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  • Jorn J.
    • October 21, 2008
    • 142

    Steering Box repair!

    I have repaired my steering box with a steering column Kit from Paragon $440,- so all the "Steering Items" are new.I have used the ST-12 with no problems.But I still have a loose steering in the "outer" positions to the right and left which I can't get away?Some wise people here in Denmark says that it's normal when you have a "Wormshaft" steering
    If I try to tight the adj.screw then it will go tight when I go straight ahead.I can see that the "worm" are not so "high" in the beginning and end on the shaft so maybe it have to be a little loose!
    The adj.screw are been correct shims so all are correct mounted!!
    Please tell me "is it okay" with that play to the right and left"
    Its a C1,1959.

    Regards Jorn Jarnved
  • John T.
    NCRS Financial Officer
    • December 31, 1982
    • 287

    Re: Steering Box repair!

    Yes it is normal. With the adjustment made correctly in the centered position there will be some play at the extremes.

    Good luck



    • Jim O.
      • January 2, 2007
      • 11

      Re: Steering Box repair!

      My 61 is the same way. With the steering properly adjusted at high center there will be a little play at the left and right positions.


      • Jorn J.
        • October 21, 2008
        • 142

        Re: Steering Box repair!

        Thanks Jim and John for the quick reply.
        It's is good to have this forum.
        Have a good week-end.
        Best regards Jorn


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