1988 engine starting issue - NCRS Discussion Boards

1988 engine starting issue

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  • Wayne R.
    • August 31, 1993
    • 13

    1988 engine starting issue

    The car is stock with a 350 C.I., 245 H.P., TPI engine. Mileage is 30,000. Gasoline used is 93 octane.

    Upon a cold start the engine starts immediately. After fully warmed up and then shut down for 15 to 20 minutes, a restart will take a bit of cranking. At times I stop turning the motor over, wait a few seconds then try again for an immediate start.

    If I shut down the motor and wait for about 5 minutes, the engine will start up as it does upon a cold start.

    I have installed a pressure gage on the fuel rail and pressure holds with out any leak by for 30 minutes.

    I have recently installed a new coil, distributor rotor, module and cap. No change in the symptoms.

    Is this possibly an inherent condition for this model and one must live with it?
  • Bob H.
    Very Frequent User
    • July 31, 2000
    • 787

    Re: 1988 engine starting issue


    I had an 88 35th anniversary car. I believe we had intermittant problems with starting the car.

    As I recall it had something to do with the anti theft system not reading the key properly that would then activate the anti theft system for a timed period of several minutes.

    Hopefully, I'm not sending you on a wild goose chase but this is what I recall as a common problem in 88. I think it was called the VATS which I guess stood for vehicle anti theft system.

    Maybe you can find something on that. If not the problem, please forgive my very old brain.



    • Bob H.
      Very Frequent User
      • July 31, 2000
      • 787

      Re: 1988 engine starting issue


      This problem was bothering me so I did some research. Check out this thread as it explains what the problem is. I think this is what you are experiencing. Hopefully, this helps keep you from spending more unecessary $$$



      • Wayne R.
        • August 31, 1993
        • 13

        Re: 1988 engine starting issue

        Thanks for your research and ideas on this problem. I will be checking out the VATS system and associated circuits.

        Originally posted by Bob Hoffman (34576)

        This problem was bothering me so I did some research. Check out this thread as it explains what the problem is. I think this is what you are experiencing. Hopefully, this helps keep you from spending more unecessary $$$



        • Paul H.
          Very Frequent User
          • September 30, 2000
          • 672

          Re: 1988 engine starting issue

          If it were a VATS related problem you would experience a no crank situation. Since your car is cranking but not starting I would look elsewhere for the source of your issue. It usually lies with faulty fuel injectors. I see that you have already tested yours so it is perplexing.


          • Wayne R.
            • August 31, 1993
            • 13

            Re: 1988 engine starting issue

            Thanks for your input. I do not think it is an injector problem, but some how feel that it is fuel related. I'll keep researching and hopefully come across a fix.

            Originally posted by Paul Harrington (34948)
            If it were a VATS related problem you would experience a no crank situation. Since your car is cranking but not starting I would look elsewhere for the source of your issue. It usually lies with faulty fuel injectors. I see that you have already tested yours so it is perplexing.


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