1970 tilt tele spring replacement - NCRS Discussion Boards

1970 tilt tele spring replacement

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  • Edward S.
    • February 22, 2009
    • 43

    1970 tilt tele spring replacement

    My tilt spring in my tilt tele steering column has broken, does anyone know first, where I can buy the parts, and secondly what to do to repair this, I`ve looked in the normal parts catalogs and no one seems to list the parts Thanks
  • Jack H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 31, 1990
    • 9906

    Re: 1970 tilt tele spring replacement

    I think you'll find the spring is the same part as that used in equivalent passenger car T/T columns from the era. They can be purchased from scrap yards for $50-100 complete, then stripped for their internal parts...

    Try a Cadillac or Buick from the same time frame as your Corvette.


    • Jim S.
      • August 31, 2001
      • 730

      Re: 1970 tilt tele spring replacement

      The coil spring is right behind the cap (inside the bearing housing) with the screwdriver shown releasing it. The housing is shown upside down from its normal in-car position.

      Have you disassembled your T&T column to the point where you are sure that the spring is broken? I am thinking that possibly the cap may have come loose.

      I am quite sure that I have a spring laying around here from a batch of parts that I purchased a while back. You can have it for the shipping costs. Send me a PM if you want it.

      Jim Shea


      • Edward S.
        • February 22, 2009
        • 43

        Re: 1970 tilt tele spring replacement

        Thanks for the picture and the help Jim, I haven`t dove into the column yet but I will take that spring and any other parts you think I might need, just let me know where and how to pay and I will Thanks again


        • Jim S.
          • August 31, 2001
          • 730

          Re: 1970 tilt tele spring replacement

          I really hesitate to supply parts when you are not sure as to your actual problem(s). BTW some of the components are available from Dr. Rebuild.

          I suggest that you download some Tilt & Telescoping Steering Column papers that I authored. They are located at Terry Rudy's corvettefaq websight. They will assist you in diagnosing and disassembling your steering column. They are lengthy but they are also quite complete.

          Go to www.corvettefaq.com
          Click on Jim Shea's Steering Papers
          Click on Corvette Steering Papers
          Scroll down to the Adjustable Steering Column Section
          Download Tilt & Telescoping column 69-82 Disassembly & Repair Papers #1, #2, and #3.
          Also download T&T Column 69-82 D & R Pics #1, #2, and #3.

          There is also a blowup drawing of the 69-76 T&T Column as well.



          • Edward S.
            • February 22, 2009
            • 43

            Re: 1970 tilt tele spring replacement

            Thanks again Jim, I will tear it down and see whats up and look at the sites you have supplied, if I get into any trouble you will be the first to know, if that`s ok Thanks again


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