Pearman Hinckley Bloomington Presentation - NCRS Discussion Boards

Pearman Hinckley Bloomington Presentation

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  • Rick C.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 28, 1986
    • 183

    Pearman Hinckley Bloomington Presentation

    John (or anyone), is there, or has there ever been, a written version of the presentation given by John and Dale Pearman at the 2002 Bloomington Workshops on '58-'62 Chassis Assembly? Thanks.
  • Greg M.
    • March 31, 1998
    • 119

    Re: Pearman Hinckley Bloomington Presentation

    Yes, Dale Pearman sent me a written copy with photographs of the presentation shortly before he took ill. I know I have it, but could take a while to find.



    • John H.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • November 30, 1997
      • 16513

      Re: Pearman Hinckley Bloomington Presentation

      Rick - you have mail.


      • Joseph T.
        • April 30, 1976
        • 2074

        Re: Pearman 1962 project car

        Originally posted by John Hinckley (29964)
        Rick - you have mail.
        Years ago I advertised a 62 for sale..probably in the driveline. I ended up selling the car which was cut in two through the floor board and the frame was pretty badly crunched when it slid into a tree exploding the passenger door.

        Other than the door and the frame the front and rear clips were great.

        This was about 17 years ago.

        Then a couple moths ago I get an e-mail from a guy trying to find that 62 who was able to trace the VIN # which I had posted in the ad. Turns out his father bought the car back in 1965 and they were curious what happened to it.

        I know it is a long shot..but did anyone on this board by this 62 from Dale?



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