1970 454/390 AC Belt

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  • Mark A.
    Frequent User
    • June 5, 2009
    • 55

    1970 454/390 AC Belt

    Hi everyone,
    I'm having a heck of a time trying to find an original AC belt to fit my 70.
    I'm almost positive all the brackets and mounts are original.

    I've been to quanta and a few other places but the lengths do not add up.

    It seems I need a 58 1/2 15/32 wide belt but can't find anything but a 59 or a 58 inch non cogged belt. (No 1/2 sizes in non cogged belts)

    There is not enough adjustment to use either the 58 or the 59 inch belts ?

    It also appears the the AC compressor is sitting forward slightly not perfectly alighned with the engine pulleys. There are no shims that I can see.

    Has anyone ever run into this problem before or have any suggestions.

    East Otis MA.
  • Marc K.
    Frequent User
    • April 1, 2005
    • 57

    Re: 1970 454/390 AC Belt

    Hey Mark,
    Have you tried Dr. Rebuild? Not sure where he gets his belts, but the sizes may be slightly different than Quanta's.

    I can't help much on the AC compressor alignment; mine doesn't have AC. I'm sure you've tried loosening up all the bolts on the compressor and on the bracket to see if there is any slop which will line it up better. Good Luck.


    • Mark A.
      Frequent User
      • June 5, 2009
      • 55

      Re: 1970 454/390 AC Belt

      Krol, Thanks for your response, yes I have tried loosening and re-adjusting everything.

      I have not tried doctor rebuild, I will give them a shot.....



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