63 Date codes

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  • Stuart F.
    • September 1, 1996
    • 4676

    63 Date codes

    I have searched the archives and back thru the current threads looking for the one dealing with the relationship between the date codes of 63 engine blocks vs. engine assembly (stamp pad) vs. vehicle assembly dates. The thread author was concerned that his dates may be out of a typical range, and I believe a number of posters were offering data in a sort of survey to this end.

    I promised to check mine which is an original unmolested 63 L-76, but needed a chance (cooler weather) to pull the ignition shield to confirm my block casting number;

    Block casting: F123 (June 12th, 1963)

    Engine Assembly (stamp Pad): F0628RE (Flint, June 28th, L-76)

    Vehicle Assembly: Serial Number 119,147 (build date July 9th, 1963)

    Hope this information gets to the thread poster for his data collection/survey effort. Sorry it took so long, but today is the first cloudy day in the mid-80's that I felt up to tackling a project in the garage.

    Stu Fox
  • Harry S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 1, 2002
    • 5181

    Re: 63 Date codes

    Dates for an April car.

    Block - D 5 3

    Endine Build - 04 15

    Car Build - 04 20


    • Sydney G.
      Very Frequent User
      • February 1, 1994
      • 443

      Re: 63 Date codes

      Thanks Stu!

      In my original post over 2 weeks ago, I was comparing the engine casting dates between two '63 Coupes built just 6 cars apart on the same day in May of 1963.
      The first car has a 250hp engine with a casting date of May 2nd and my car has a 300hp engine with a casting date of May 6th.
      The consensus was that this difference was typical and normal.

      While I do record 1963's I do not record casting dates for each particular car...unless of course it was built very close to mine.

      My coupes engine was cast May 6.
      The engine assembly date is partially obscured on my pad but seems to read either May 8th or 9th.
      My build date is May 15 1963.



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