69 BB 4-Speed Radiator Tube Angle?

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  • Jamie F.
    • May 21, 2008
    • 337

    69 BB 4-Speed Radiator Tube Angle?

    I am restoring my original '69 Harrison radiator for my 427 4-Speed car and need to know at what angle the small tube should be soldered that the small hose that connects the upper right end of the tank with the expansion tank connects to.
    When sitting in the drivers and looking forward does the tube point up at 2:30, or down at 4:30 o'clock?
  • Jeff G.
    • October 26, 2006
    • 187

    Re: 69 BB 4-Speed Radiator Tube Angle?

    My overflow nipple goes upward. Need a picture?


    • Jamie F.
      • May 21, 2008
      • 337

      Re: 69 BB 4-Speed Radiator Tube Angle?

      Thanks Jeff!
      I appreciate the offer of a pic, but I think I got it.
      I've seen them both ways, but figured "up" was the correct direction, just made sense.


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