Correct finish on 1964 throttle return spring bracket? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Correct finish on 1964 throttle return spring bracket?

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  • M W.
    • July 31, 2001
    • 835

    Correct finish on 1964 throttle return spring bracket?

    Hi all,

    Can someone positively tell me what the finish color is on the 1964 throttle return spring bracket on all 1964's? I am curious because at all NCRS meets I get full credit for a natural finish but at Bloomington Gold I get points deducted. Any help is appreciated.

  • John D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • November 30, 1979
    • 5507

    Re: Correct finish on 1964 throttle return spring bracket?

    Craig. You said ALL return spring brackets???
    On fuel injections the bracket was cadmium plated. Could be zinc also.
    Color of spring though for FI cars should be blue or whatever turns you on.
    Turn to page 94 in the 5th edition. Carbureted cars. "...cadmium or zinc plated bracket".


    • M W.
      • July 31, 2001
      • 835

      Re: Correct finish on 1964 throttle return spring bracket?

      Thanks John. I should have been more specific. My car is a carb car and I did see the information in the JG. I wonder why the judges at BG think it should be painted engine color? There were several items that were completely different than what the NCRS JG states at BG. ODD



      • Michael H.
        • January 28, 2008
        • 7477

        Re: Correct finish on 1964 throttle return spring bracket?

        Originally posted by M. Craig Willetts (36551)
        Thanks John. I should have been more specific. My car is a carb car and I did see the information in the JG. I wonder why the judges at BG think it should be painted engine color? There were several items that were completely different than what the NCRS JG states at BG. ODD

        If you have an engine with an orange painted intake manifold, the throttle spring bracket would have been painted orange along with the rest of the engine.
        If you have an aluminum intake manifold, the bracket would be zincad but also oversprayed with dull aluminum paint.


        • M W.
          • July 31, 2001
          • 835

          Re: Correct finish on 1964 throttle return spring bracket?

          Ok Michael I understand that as well. Why doesn't the JG reflect that logic of thinking? Thanks for the help.



          • Michael H.
            • January 28, 2008
            • 7477

            Re: Correct finish on 1964 throttle return spring bracket?

            Originally posted by M. Craig Willetts (36551)
            Ok Michael I understand that as well. Why doesn't the JG reflect that logic of thinking? Thanks for the help.

            I don't remember what the JG has to say about the bracket. I'll look......


            • Michael H.
              • January 28, 2008
              • 7477

              Re: Correct finish on 1964 throttle return spring bracket?

              Originally posted by M. Craig Willetts (36551)
              Ok Michael I understand that as well. Why doesn't the JG reflect that logic of thinking? Thanks for the help.

              Found it on page 94 of the JG. It refers to the bracket as being cadmium or zinc but there's no mention of a paint coating.
              It should specify a coating of orange for all 250 and 300 HP engines and dull aluminum for 340 HP engines.

              Also, in the same paragraph, it states that each end of the accelerator rod has a swivel. There is a swivel on only one end of the rod. The other end is formed in a 90* bend that enters the lever on the carburetor.
              Last edited by Michael H.; June 29, 2009, 08:40 AM.


              • Stuart F.
                • August 31, 1996
                • 4676

                Re: Correct finish on 1964 throttle return spring bracket?

                There are a number of contentions about 63 and 64 throttle linkages. For one, on carbureted cars; the spring is used as the "clip" on the 90* end of the rod on the carb (in place of a cotter pin) on some models and is attached to a hole on the throttle arm on others that use a cotter pin. Also, as I'm sure we all know now, the SHP carb cars all have a black return springs - (not white on a 63). Took me a long time to straighten out one vendor while the others still continue the live with the "white spring" in their catalogs.

                I don't think I ever saw a model with swivals at both ends - where did that come from? I don't even think that that is mechanically practical.

                On another note, my son went to the BG show too this time, and he paid particular close attention to the judging as he is planning to take his 78 P.C. there maybe next year. His impression was that they didn't seem near as thorough as at NCRS events he's been to. That was his impression anyway - that they didn't spend as much time on any individual car and he is wondering if the significant expense involved is worth it.

                Stu Fox


                • M W.
                  • July 31, 2001
                  • 835

                  Re: Correct finish on 1964 throttle return spring bracket?

                  Originally posted by Stuart Fox (28060)
                  On another note, my son went to the BG show too this time, and he paid particular close attention to the judging as he is planning to take his 78 P.C. there maybe next year. His impression was that they didn't seem near as thorough as at NCRS events he's been to. That was his impression anyway - that they didn't spend as much time on any individual car and he is wondering if the significant expense involved is worth it.

                  Stu Fox

                  Stu, those were my exact thoughts. I truly expected this to be as difficult as a Regional or National meet. There were many of the same judges there that I see at all the NCRS meets so I expected the same and did prepare for the challenge. I know many of the cars did not achieve Gold so they did make it challenging. The overall expense of the show and distance traveled will probably limit my interest of going again. My honest opinion and please remember it's just my opinion is they were basically giving you a Gold if your car was anywhere close. I did like how relaxed all the judges seemed. It could have been because I just sat back and was as relaxed as they were.



                  • M W.
                    • July 31, 2001
                    • 835

                    Re: Correct finish on 1964 throttle return spring bracket?

                    Did anyone else feel the way I did about BG?



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