68 A/C muffler with Weatherhead markings - NCRS Discussion Boards

68 A/C muffler with Weatherhead markings

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  • Wayne M.
    • February 29, 1980
    • 6414

    68 A/C muffler with Weatherhead markings

    Yesterday's post on Schraeder valve caps (link below)

    prompts me to show what's on my 1968 compressor manifold # 3923139, which I bought from a Chev dealer in early 1980's for my '65 -- believe it was the only available service unit then for the C2's with freon hoses that attached with spiral clamps (after 1968, they had crimped integral hoses).

    Notice the Weatherhead stamping (hexagon with a capital 'W' and an arrow pointing to the right). This stamping appears on the Schraeder valve caps and on the manifold itself (3rd pic, only partly evident). Fourth pic shows the symbol on my '65 A/C vac switch bracket, which is soldered to the brass valve block. This symbol shows again on the fuel line brass blocks for tri-powers.

    Although the valve caps seem to be plated (cadmium ?), the inside clearly shows brass.

    Was these manifold caps typical production configuration for 1968 MY ?
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Wayne M.; June 26, 2009, 07:59 PM.
  • Terry M.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • September 30, 1980
    • 15543

    Re: 68 A/C muffler with Weatherhead markings

    Originally posted by Wayne Midkiff (3437)
    Although the valve caps seem to be plated (cadmium ?), the inside clearly shows brass.

    Was these manifold caps typical production configuration for 1968 MY ?
    My guess is they were tin plated, but without a metalurgical analysis we may never know.

    Yes, what you show are what I would expect to see on 1968-1972 AC systems.


    • Dick W.
      Former NCRS Director Region IV
      • June 30, 1985
      • 10483

      Re: 68 A/C muffler with Weatherhead markings

      I would tend to believe that Wayne
      Dick Whittington


      • Bryan M.
        • March 31, 1999
        • 386

        Re: 68 A/C muffler with Weatherhead markings

        Originally posted by Wayne Midkiff (3437)
        Yesterday's post on Schraeder valve caps (link below)

        prompts me to show what's on my 1968 compressor manifold # 3923139, which I bought from a Chev dealer in early 1980's for my '65 -- believe it was the only available service unit then for the C2's with freon hoses that attached with spiral clamps (after 1968, they had crimped integral hoses).

        Notice the Weatherhead stamping (hexagon with a capital 'W' and an arrow pointing to the right). This stamping appears on the Schraeder valve caps and on the manifold itself (3rd pic, only partly evident). Fourth pic shows the symbol on my '65 A/C vac switch bracket, which is soldered to the brass valve block. This symbol shows again on the fuel line brass blocks for tri-powers.

        Although the valve caps seem to be plated (cadmium ?), the inside clearly shows brass.

        Was these manifold caps typical production configuration for 1968 MY ?
        The a/c muffler on my 68 appears to be like yours. The caps definitely have some kind of coating on the outer skin. The threaded portion looks like brass.


        • Jack H.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • March 31, 1990
          • 9906

          Re: 68 A/C muffler with Weatherhead markings

          Terry's right, the caps at the manifold mounted Scharader valves are brass and they were plated for a 'cosmetic' match to the aluminum of the manifold. Whether tin, zinc or cad...a silver colored finish is what you're after.

          Second, the manifold shown is the service replacement version. It has barbed inlet/outlet tips intended to install to conventional refrigeration hose using refrigeration style hose clamps. Factory originals were attached with full circumference, crimped, banding assy's. I don't know of anyone who can duplicate the factory original crimps 100%...

          Plus, trying to 'drive' those barbed tips into current day refigeration hose is essentially an exercise in futility. Today's hoses are internally plastic lined to reduce molecular migration of the refigerant through the hose rubber. That reduces the effective ID of the hose and it's nearly impossible to mount hose on the service replacement manifold with its barbed tips...

          Last, the valves at the compressor manifold are NOT the only ones used on a Corvette A/C system! Look closely at the Harrison air box mounted to the firewall and you'll find the other two Schrader valves in the system...

          They have metal caps, but of a different style (cylindrical with fluted outside walls). So, when you do due diligence in restoring a classic Corvette A/C system from this era, you need to address ALL of the valves for seal integrity/leakage!


          • Dick W.
            Former NCRS Director Region IV
            • June 30, 1985
            • 10483

            Re: 68 A/C muffler with Weatherhead markings

            Jack, I believe that at least some, if not all, '68's came with the barbed/worm clamp configuration
            Dick Whittington


            • Bryan M.
              • March 31, 1999
              • 386

              Re: 68 A/C muffler with Weatherhead markings

              Originally posted by Dick Whittington (8804)
              Jack, I believe that at least some, if not all, '68's came with the barbed/worm clamp configuration
              The 68 AIM shows the barbed/worm clamps. My car uses six.


              • Jack H.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • March 31, 1990
                • 9906

                Re: 68 A/C muffler with Weatherhead markings

                I'll bet that's smack on the money, Dick! Conventional refrigeration hose clamps WERE used on mid-year cars. I've never looked closely at the AIM, but I'll bet there was a running change here as the 360-degree crimped manifold assy made its debut.

                The manifold casting shown, continued as a service replacement part for quite some time as it was reasonably common for originals to fatigue fracture at the muffler junction. Seems more than one service mechanic used the muffler as a 'handle' to lift/move the compressor around in the engine compartment!


                • Mike G.
                  • December 31, 1990
                  • 418

                  Hex Shrader Caps wanted

                  If anybody's got 2 of those weatherhead hex caps available, or a lead on where to find some, pls PM me.

                  And here I thought I was done chasing C60 parts....


                  • Jack H.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • March 31, 1990
                    • 9906

                    Re: Hex Shrader Caps wanted

                    Dr. Rebuild lists:

                    63-82 Freon Hose Charging Port Caps 8848174 $6.00

                    But, unfortunately doesn't give a picture of his part...


                    • Mike G.
                      • December 31, 1990
                      • 418

                      Jack --emailed the Doc and got this reply:

                      "try the NCRS guys..." Love it.


                      • D S.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • February 28, 2005
                        • 1551

                        Re: Hex Shrader Caps wanted

                        Originally posted by Mike Geary (18654)
                        If anybody's got 2 of those weatherhead hex caps available, or a lead on where to find some, pls PM me.

                        And here I thought I was done chasing C60 parts....
                        Salvage yards in smaller towns is where I get mine, particularly here in the Oklahoma-Texas area where it's hot and most people ordered ACs on their cars and trucks back in the day. I've found them on most '60s and '70s GM vehicles and many Fords. MOPAR caps are smaller. I find one W cap per every eight I pull. Some have the Ws in a single line and some have Ws in staggered in two lines. I found one cap that has P3 stamped on it and another that has an S inside a square. Sears makes an adjustable hexagon wrench that won't round off the corners if they are on too tight.


                        • Dale C.
                          • October 31, 1999
                          • 844

                          Re: 68 A/C muffler with Weatherhead markings

                          I have more trouble attaching to this darn site. Anyway, about the manifolds and Jack saying that the boxy type was a replacement, see the progression, from 67 to 69 in the AIM and the production differences. Forget it, I'll be dead befor it loads into that stupid manage attachment thing. I had a nice progression of the AIMS showing the differences in the manifolds. I only had an hour and a half before I had to go to dinner. I just remembered they are too large for the manager. Maybe I can reduce them or something

                          Last edited by Dale C.; September 11, 2009, 09:06 PM.


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