Recommendation for steering gear lube? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Recommendation for steering gear lube?

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  • Chuck W.
    Very Frequent User
    • May 31, 2002
    • 257

    Recommendation for steering gear lube?

    Can someone make a recommendation of type and weight of lubrication to be used in a C1 steering gear? What are the pros & cons to using synthetic lubrication in the gear? Thanks
  • Duke W.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 31, 1992
    • 15524

    Re: Recommendation for steering gear lube?

    My understanding is that the C1 steering gear uses "gear oil", which would be any API SAE 80W-90 GL-5. "Synthetic" versions of this are usually rated 75W-90. Look at your ST-12. If it recommends Mil-L-2105 that is the same as the API spec. In fact, a few years ago the military cancelled Mil-L-2105 and now uses the API spec.

    I doubt if using the 75W-90 will make any difference in steering feel or gear life for typical vintage Corvette useage.

    IIRC the C1 steering gear is not in close proximity to the exhaust manifold as it is on C2/3 models, so the gear likely doesn't run as hot, which is why a synthetic gear oil will have little or no advantage.



    • Stan G.
      • December 31, 1995
      • 106

      Re: Recommendation for steering gear lube?

      Corvette Steering of S.C. rebuilt the steering box for my 58 I filled it with gear lube and it kept leaking out the front of the box.Called them and asked if there was supposed to be a seal there , they said no and that they used a mixture of half gear lube and grease and squirted it in with an old style grease gun.Hasn't leaked since.


      • Clem Z.
        • December 31, 2005
        • 9427

        Re: Recommendation for steering gear lube?

        use chassis lube and they sell a special fitting to install the lube. i have seen gear lube run up the shafts on C1 and end up in the driver lap.


        • Duke W.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • December 31, 1992
          • 15524

          Re: Recommendation for steering gear lube?

          That may be a result of overfilling. IIRC there is a plug on the steering shaft jacket for adding gear oil. It should probably not be above this level, and I assume ST-12 has checking/filling instructions.

          Anybody with ST-12 want to tell us what is says?



          • Chuck W.
            Very Frequent User
            • May 31, 2002
            • 257

            Re: Recommendation for steering gear lube?

            Originally posted by Stan Gunkel (27138)
            Corvette Steering of S.C. rebuilt the steering box for my 58 I filled it with gear lube and it kept leaking out the front of the box.Called them and asked if there was supposed to be a seal there , they said no and that they used a mixture of half gear lube and grease and squirted it in with an old style grease gun.Hasn't leaked since.

            This is exactly what I am seeing as well. Checked to be sure we didn't overfill it but it still leaks out the front. This has been a habitual problem for us using 80W gear lube. Thanks for the information, we'll give it a try.


            • Gary B.
              • September 30, 1987
              • 305

              Re: Recommendation for steering gear lube?

              It was recommended to me to use the grease that is used in the front wheel drive universals.
              My `62 has not leaked in 15 years.


              • Richard T.
                Very Frequent User
                • January 31, 1979
                • 858

                Re: Recommendation for steering gear lube?

                For C-1 steering box (probably C-2 also) use GM "Steering Gear Lubricant" part # 1051052 Group # 8.800. Not sure if it's still available but check your local Chevy parts guy. It's heavy bodied like chassis grease and won't leak out. It turns up on e bay once in a while. Rich
                Attached Files


                • Steven B.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • June 30, 2004
                  • 256

                  Re: Recommendation for steering gear lube?

                  The ST-12 for steering says "The steering gear is filled at the factory with a special all-season gear lubricant. Seasonal change of this lubricant is unnecessary and the housing should not be drained. The steering gear lubreicant level should be checked every 1000 miles. Whenever required, additions should be made using a lubricant which, at low temperatures, will not "channel" or cause hard steering and which will provide staisfactory lubrication under extreme summer conditions. Steering gear lubricants are marketed by many oil companies. The steering linkage should be lubricated every 1000 miles with chassis lubricant. Lubrication points and additional information on the cahssis lubricant to be used can be found in Section 0-General Information and Lubrication."

                  On page 0-7, the reference to the steering gear only says "steering gear lubricant"

                  Hope this helps, although they don't list specific lubes to use.



                  • Chuck W.
                    Very Frequent User
                    • May 31, 2002
                    • 257

                    Re: Recommendation for steering gear lube?

                    Originally posted by Richard Thomas (2276)
                    For C-1 steering box (probably C-2 also) use GM "Steering Gear Lubricant" part # 1051052 Group # 8.800. Not sure if it's still available but check your local Chevy parts guy. It's heavy bodied like chassis grease and won't leak out. It turns up on e bay once in a while. Rich
                    Thanks Richard. I'll try to find some.


                    • Duke W.
                      Beyond Control Poster
                      • December 31, 1992
                      • 15524

                      Re: Recommendation for steering gear lube?

                      Originally posted by Steven Berson (42243)
                      The ST-12 for steering says "The steering gear is filled at the factory with a special all-season gear lubricant. Seasonal change of this lubricant is unnecessary and the housing should not be drained. The steering gear lubreicant level should be checked every 1000 miles. Whenever required, additions should be made using a lubricant which, at low temperatures, will not "channel" or cause hard steering and which will provide staisfactory lubrication under extreme summer conditions. Steering gear lubricants are marketed by many oil companies. The steering linkage should be lubricated every 1000 miles with chassis lubricant. Lubrication points and additional information on the cahssis lubricant to be used can be found in Section 0-General Information and Lubrication."

                      On page 0-7, the reference to the steering gear only says "steering gear lubricant"

                      Hope this helps, although they don't list specific lubes to use.

                      Interesting! I can't recall ever seeing any commercial lubricants labeled "steering gear lubricant", but maybe back in that era there was such an animal. The lubricant description is so vague, it's not clear if it's gear oil or grease.



                      • Dan H.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • July 31, 1977
                        • 1361

                        Re: Recommendation for steering gear lube?

                        Duke, we had a Kendall warehouse next to my shipyard back in the early 80's, they sold tubes of 'steering gear lube', it was a gear oil like honey consistancy. Put some in my 59 at the time.
                        1964 Red FI Coupe, DUNTOV '09
                        Drove the 64 over 5000 miles to three Regionals and the San Jose National, one dust storm and 40 lbs of bugs!


                        • Dennis A.
                          • April 30, 1999
                          • 1010

                          Re: Recommendation for steering gear lube?

                          Original C1 steering gears were filled with a special steering gear lube, about the consistency of 90-weight gear oil. Due to the steering box location next to the exhaust manifold, a service letter was issued in 1958 for the dealers to use chassis grease ( same grease used for ball joints and tie rod ends)
                          If you use 90-weight oil, don't add the oil to the box until it is in place, as the oil may run down the steering column shaft.
                          If you use grease... GM # 12377985 63-82 steering box lube is recommended. Several supplies have sale a grease fitting (Zip is one) that replaces one of the bolts on the side cover. Pump the grease in until it comes out the top fill plug. Do not pump grease into the column...


                          • Ken A.
                            Very Frequent User
                            • July 31, 1986
                            • 929

                            Re: Recommendation for steering gear lube?

                            Originally posted by Dennis Ambrose (32228)
                            Original C1 steering gears were filled with a special steering gear lube, about the consistency of 90-weight gear oil. Due to the steering box location next to the exhaust manifold, a service letter was issued in 1958 for the dealers to use chassis grease ( same grease used for ball joints and tie rod ends)
                            If you use 90-weight oil, don't add the oil to the box until it is in place, as the oil may run down the steering column shaft.
                            If you use grease... GM # 12377985 63-82 steering box lube is recommended. Several supplies have sale a grease fitting (Zip is one) that replaces one of the bolts on the side cover. Pump the grease in until it comes out the top fill plug. Do not pump grease into the column...
                            This is correct info, GM did away with the 90 wt oil due to leakage and went to chassis grease in early 1960.


                            • Duke W.
                              Beyond Control Poster
                              • December 31, 1992
                              • 15524

                              Re: Recommendation for steering gear lube?

                              Originally posted by Dennis Ambrose (32228)
                              Original C1 steering gears were filled with a special steering gear lube, about the consistency of 90-weight gear oil. Due to the steering box location next to the exhaust manifold, a service letter was issued in 1958 for the dealers to use chassis grease ( same grease used for ball joints and tie rod ends)
                              If you use 90-weight oil, don't add the oil to the box until it is in place, as the oil may run down the steering column shaft.
                              If you use grease... GM # 12377985 63-82 steering box lube is recommended. Several supplies have sale a grease fitting (Zip is one) that replaces one of the bolts on the side cover. Pump the grease in until it comes out the top fill plug. Do not pump grease into the column...
                              In that case, any NGLI #2 general purpose grease should be okay. If exhaust manifold radiated heat is an issue (like on C2/3 models), then I would recommend a "full synthetic" grease. You should be able to find a suitable product at most auto parts stores. I know both Mobil and Valvoline sell such a product.



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