Rear spindle question

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  • Dan M.
    Infrequent User
    • June 1, 1988
    • 22

    Rear spindle question

    last year i drove my 63 to the Bend meet and put a thousand miles on her with no problems.this weekend i noticed the rear tire looked different. when i jacked it up i could move the tire an inch up and down, and upon tear down found that the bearing has spun on the spindle making it question is in looking for a replacement 63-64 spindle they want 160.00 for it.and a 65-82 spindle they want 75.00 to 85.00. to my knowlege the only difference would be drilled for rivets for the rotor and maybe a little longer wheel studs. any body know if anything else would be different? this car is a good driver and i don't care if there is a few extra holes in the spindle for the price difference. Thanks.
  • Timothy B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 1, 1983
    • 5172

    Re: Rear spindle question

    Dan, I think you are correct on the differences between the drum and disc spindle. Check the archives to be sure as I remember a discussion sometime ago about the same question.


    • Jim T.
      • March 1, 1993
      • 5351

      Re: Rear spindle question

      Have you checked for a new 63-64 spindle? The cost is the same as the 65-82 spindle.


      • Scott P.
        Very Frequent User
        • May 1, 1992
        • 174

        Re: Rear spindle question

        Dan, the 63 spindal is about 1/8" thinner than the 65, the studs are shorter and it does not have brake adjustment holes or as you say rivet holes. A disc brake spindal will work on your 63 but your track will be 1/8" wider on that side and your brake drum will not be placed in the same relation to the brake shoes for the wear patern you have now. A 63 spindal normally costs the same as a 65. Scott


        • Wayne M.
          • March 1, 1980
          • 6414

          Re: Rear spindle question

          Originally posted by Scott Pfuehler (20940)
          Dan, the 63 spindal is about 1/8" thinner than the 65, the studs are shorter and it does not have brake adjustment holes or as you say rivet holes. A disc brake spindal will work on your 63 but your track will be 1/8" wider on that side and your brake drum will not be placed in the same relation to the brake shoes for the wear patern you have now. A 63 spindal normally costs the same as a 65. Scott
          Dan -- Scott's description is right-on; I measure the flange thickness at 0.10" thicker on the disc brake spindle. In addition to the holes for the disc rivets and parking brake adjust, notice the center hub on these original '64 and '65-up, only evident if wheelcovers are not installed. I wonder if current repro fabrications duplicate this ?
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