Rear Spring Cushion Retainer Installation - NCRS Discussion Boards

Rear Spring Cushion Retainer Installation

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  • James B.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 28, 1985
    • 217

    Rear Spring Cushion Retainer Installation

    I've recently purchased a used 9-leaf spring for my '72. However, it needs new cushion retainers.

    Do the GM retainers (PN 3910701) cosmetically match the originals for my year?

    Any suggestions on a method to properly peen over new leaf spring cushion retainers?

    Also, did the retainers have a natural finish (as installed)?

  • Gary B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • January 31, 1997
    • 6905

    Rear Spring Cushion Retainer Installation


    Yes and no to your question. The current service replacement retainers have the exact same geometry at the original retainers for your '72, but within the past year or so GM started to nickel (I think) plate the retainers, so they are too shiny. You can strip the nickel plate with a diluted solution of muriatic acid and then take some 0000 steel wool to them and they will look perfect. I have an article coming out in the next Restorer that describes a set of tooling that makes the swaging or peening step a snap.

    Northern California Chapter


    • James B.
      Very Frequent User
      • February 28, 1985
      • 217

      Re: Rear Spring Cushion Retainer Installation

      Thanks for your response, Gary. Good stuff !

      I'm looking forward to seeing your Restorer article.


      • Jeff S.
        Very Frequent User
        • July 31, 1984
        • 383

        Re: Rear Spring Cushion Retainer Installation


        On a midyear, the ball end of a 32 oz ball peen hammer is the correct size to form a tight flare on the cushion retainer. Ideally, a hydraulic press large enough to fit the main leaf, the retainer + the hammer works best. Alternately, you could use the hammer head as a forming die and strike it. Either way, use a suitable distance piece inside the cup (lower) of the retainer to prevent it from deforming during flaring.


        • R N.
          • May 31, 2002
          • 640

          Re: Rear Spring Cushion Retainer Installation

          I did mine the same way Jeff says. A hydraulic press works best.


          • Harry S.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • July 31, 2002
            • 5204

            Re: Rear Spring Cushion Retainer Installation

            Jeff and Kurt, just to verify, the retainer does not need to be smashed/locked against the spring, just enough flare to keep it in place and not fall out, correct?



            • Gary B.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • January 31, 1997
              • 6905

              Re: Rear Spring Cushion Retainer Installation


              Correct. It doesn't take much to keep them in place.



              • Harry S.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • July 31, 2002
                • 5204

                Re: Rear Spring Cushion Retainer Installation

                Gary, thanks. Just getting everything ready to start the frame off on the 63 early next year.


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