side window removal 1962

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  • Ted K.
    Very Frequent User
    • September 1, 1994
    • 337

    side window removal 1962

    In the process of preparing my 1962 for painting, removing all chrome etc. Am having a tough time removing the side window glass. It can't be that difficult. What is the trick????
  • Steven N.
    Very Frequent User
    • May 1, 2002
    • 214

    Re: side window removal 1962

    Hey Ted, No, it is not that difficult. You just need to remove the right parts.I remove the vertical in the middle of the door, the end rail at the back of the door, all door reveal moulding, window stops.It also helps if you loosen the bolts on the window regulator a little. You kind of just have to wiggle it back and forth and it will come out. Hope this help's, let me know if i can be of more assistance. Thanks,Steven J..............


    • Ted K.
      Very Frequent User
      • September 1, 1994
      • 337

      Re: side window removal 1962

      You're exactly right, I just got back from removing the windows taking about everything off and a lot of pushing and pulling.
      It doesn't seem that putting it together will be any easier.


      • Steven N.
        Very Frequent User
        • May 1, 2002
        • 214

        Re: side window removal 1962

        Ted, the more you work with them, the easier it gets. Just to remember to have patience, take your time, and think backwards when putting them back in........


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