66 Radiator date question

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  • Brian K.
    • June 1, 2004
    • 358

    66 Radiator date question

    My 66 Convertible still has it's original radiator, I'm planning on buying a new one from Dewitt at Corvette Carlisle. Here's my question my VIN 15736 say's my car was built March 3rd or 4th of 1966, my original radiator is dated March (C 66) will this date cause me problems if I have the car judged? I would have thought I would have had a Feburary date not a March date, but the car has been in the family since 1973 and the date is March on the radiator. Thanks sincerely Brian Kotula
  • Rob M.
    Very Frequent User
    • May 1, 2003
    • 656

    Re: 66 Radiator date question


    I say go with March. It's not only what appears to be original, but it fits fine in the judging guidelines. On my '66 with a build date of May 5th, the starter is dated May 2nd.


    '66 327/300 Regional Top Flt
    '08 6 speed coupe


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