Order Of Adjustments

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  • Martin N.
    • July 31, 2007
    • 594

    Order Of Adjustments

    My 74 L-48 with A/C just got fresh plugs, points, condensor, etc. and am looking to go through the misc. adjustments now. I normally adjust the dwell 1st. the timing 2nd. and carb 3rd. then go back and double check these, correct? I use the GM service manual and the emissions tag for all of the spec's. These adjustments are done with a vacuum gauge, dwell / tach meter and of course a timing light. Just wondering, thanks.

  • Duke W.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 1, 1993
    • 15497

    Re: Order Of Adjustments

    Correct. Since changing dwell changes timing, set the dwell first, then timing, and the ignition system adjustements should be correct before you tweak the carburetor.



    • Martin N.
      • July 31, 2007
      • 594

      Re: Order Of Adjustments

      Originally posted by Duke Williams (22045)
      Correct. Since changing dwell changes timing, set the dwell first, then timing, and the ignition system adjustements should be correct before you tweak the carburetor.

      Thanks for the response. Another question while I got you. When balancing out the carb I usually use the vac. gauge as the main adjusting instrument as opposed to the tach. I balance the 2 sides going from side to side by bringing the vacuum to it's highest point (which right now appears to be @ 18" in Park). But, should this carb balancing be done with the car in DRIVE or in PARK? I set idle speed in Drive.



      • Duke W.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • January 1, 1993
        • 15497

        Re: Order Of Adjustments

        I assume you are talking about the idle mixture screws. Yes, I would set the idle speed/mixture adjustment in Drive.



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