63 SB. Timing 66 deg advanced.

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  • Steve D.
    • February 1, 2002
    • 990

    63 SB. Timing 66 deg advanced.

    I recently pulled and re-installed the engine (as part of my dysfunctional work process). The engine was running well before it was pulled, and no change has been made to the distributor. It started fairly easily, but idled erraticically, and when I put the timing light on it, the reading was 66 degrees advanced. Is this a case of having the distributor "one tooth off" ? If so, when I lift and re-set the distributor, does it need to be turned clockwise or counter-clockwise?

    I didn't realize that the engine would start with the timing that far out.

  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: 63 SB. Timing 66 deg advanced.

    Originally posted by Steve Daniel (37270)

    I didn't realize that the engine would start with the timing that far out.

    It won't. Be sure you have the inductive coupler for your timing light on the #1 wire.

    Top Fuel dragsters and Funny Cars will run at 60 degrees, but that's at 8100 through the lights, long after the plugs have lost their influence on combustion.


    • Stuart F.
      • September 1, 1996
      • 4676

      Re: 63 SB. Timing 66 deg advanced.

      Turn the distributor clockwise (normal rotation) and walk it around to where you need it; As I'm sure you know, when you pull it up, put C.W. pressure on the rotor until it jumps to the next tooth. It will hold engagement with the oil pump if you don't pull it up too far. Eventual distributor position should find the VAC half way between the manifold and the plug wire bracket when timed at 12-14 degrees initial. If it is too tight to either, yet times in properly, then the distributor drive gear was replaced on the shaft 180 degrees off. Dimple on gear should face front of engine.

      Stu Fox


      • Steve D.
        • February 1, 2002
        • 990

        Re: 63 SB. Timing 66 deg advanced.

        I am almost certain that I have it on the #1 wire, but will check this evening.


        • Steve D.
          • February 1, 2002
          • 990

          Re: 63 SB. Timing 66 deg advanced.


          Thanks for your comments.



          • Steve D.
            • February 1, 2002
            • 990

            Re: 63 SB. Timing 66 deg advanced.


            The pickup was on the #1 wire. I re-set the distributor and this time it started right up and idled fine. With the same light that read 66 degrees last night, this time the advance reading was 10-12. Is it possible that the light doesn't read accurately beyond a certain amount of advance?


            • Steve D.
              • February 1, 2002
              • 990

              Re: 63 SB. Timing 66 deg advanced.


              I tried your tip on jumping a cog without pulling out of the oil pump shaft, but alas, was unable do it. I guess I don't have the touch. I will try again the next time.


              • Timothy B.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • May 1, 1983
                • 5172

                Re: 63 SB. Timing 66 deg advanced.


                When you walk the distributor gear around it will be slow moving the oil pump shaft. Move the distributor back to the last position where it engages the shaft and lift just enough to walk clockwise one tooth at a time making sure it seats in the pump shaft before moving clockwise to the next tooth.

                There is no need to remove the distributor and use a screwdriver, you will get the feel of it.


                • Stuart F.
                  • September 1, 1996
                  • 4676

                  Re: 63 SB. Timing 66 deg advanced.


                  Thanks for clarifying that procedure. I have been doing it since I was 16, some 54 years now, on my first 55 Chevy V8. It becomes second nature I guess, like brushing your teeth or scratching your behind. It's always satisfying to learn something all by yourself w/o reading it somewhere or being instructed on how to do so. Did I ever tell you I invented putting Catsup on French Fries? I really did! Learned it all by myself at the tender age of 12, at a 5 and 10 cent diner after trumpet lessons, Ha!

                  See, us old farts are clever and could impart a lot of wisdom on the young if they were only willing to listen.

                  Stu Fox


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