1969 Rear Vent Screw Type

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  • Michael B.
    Very Frequent User
    • June 19, 2007
    • 400

    1969 Rear Vent Screw Type

    I recently had a minor deduct for the undercut phillips oval head rear vent screws on my '69. I ordered new screws from Paragon but they look the same that I have on there. What head style is correct for these screws?

    PAN HEAD: Recommended for new designs to replace round, truss and binding heads. Provides a low large diameter head, but with characteristically high outer edge along the outer periphery of the head where drive action is most effective for high tightening torques. Slightly different head contour where supplied with recessed head. See dotted line.

    ROUND HEAD: Not recommended for new design (see pan head). This head was the most universally used design in the past.

    FILLISTER HEAD: The standard oval fillister head has a smaller diameter than the round head, but is higher with a correspondingly deeper slot. The small diameter head increases the pressure applied on the smaller area and can be assembled close to flanges and raised surfaces

    BINDING HEAD (Straight Side): Most generally used in electrical and radio work because of its identifying undercut beneath the head, which binds and eliminates fraying of stranded wire. A medium - low head with ordinarily sufficient bearing surface. Not recommended as a Phillips Recessed head --see Pan Head for better functional design.

    TRUSS HEAD: Also known as oven head, stove head, and oval binding head. A low, large diameter head that can be used to cover larger diameter clearance holes in sheet metal when additional play in assembly tolerance is required.

  • Jack C.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • October 1, 1992
    • 1090

    Re: 1969 Rear Vent Screw Type

    Flat Undercut Phillips looks like what is on my early 68.
    Jack Corso
    1972 Elkhart Green LT-1 Coupe 43,200 miles
    Top Flight 1994, 2018 & 2021


    • Warren F.
      • December 1, 1987
      • 1516

      Re: 1969 Rear Vent Screw Type


      Flat undercut Phillips are what have been used on all my '70 thru '72's I've owned which is eight of them.


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