Random Statistics on NCRS / E-mail usage

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  • Kenneth H.
    • October 28, 2008
    • 500

    Re: Random Statistics on NCRS / E-mail usage

    Roger, I don't think I used the word "fair" anywhere in my post. I wasn't expressing an opinion at all. I was just wondering about the technical aspects of posting the Driveline online prior to delivery, and the effect that it would have on site performance. As a matter of fact, if you want my opinion, I think that the Driveline SHOULD be available to all members simultaniously. The question is, "Technically, how do you make it work?".



    • John M.
      • January 1, 1999
      • 1553

      Re: Random Statistics on NCRS / E-mail usage

      You know,

      Every single bill or statement I receive in the mail offers me the option of receiving the statement or bill electronically. This seems like the most logical solution for all involved. Those that prefer the US mail could still receive it that way, and those that prefer it online could get it that way. I just don't see what the issue is! Those that are receiving it electronically would be saving NCRS the cost of printing and distribution, and I am sure that that money could be well spent elsewhere. I opt to get everything online, as I have a serious problem with all the waste that takes place with mailing lists. It is obvious that the majority of the people in the country are heading that way, and that is the number 1 reason that the USPS is in such dire financial straights. You do not have to deny the minority their hard copy of such publications in order to deliver it online to those that prefer that method.
      As to the percentage of people who have internet access, I do not know of a single person that does not have access the the internet, and I have a wide range of friends who cut across pretty much all age brackets and income levels. My dear Grandmother using the internet at age 108 before she died. They had a couple of computers for residents use at the nursing home.

      Regards, John McGraw


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