Starter wire routing for 67 BB with AC - NCRS Discussion Boards

Starter wire routing for 67 BB with AC

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  • Thomas R.
    Frequent User
    • November 30, 2003
    • 33

    Starter wire routing for 67 BB with AC

    Running the starter wires and positive cable to starter on 67 coupe 427/390 with AC and having an issue with the wires getting really close, just about touching exhaust manifold.

    First question is that the wire clips on firewall, I have 2 that very close together next to evaporator/heater core cover, then 1 that is lower down. Assume that the lower one is for starter wires and the 2 above, one is positive wire and the other is for speedometer cable?

    The other question is does the starter wires and positive cable feed in above starter or do they go below starter and wrap back up? AIM picture shows coming in above from side, but again challenge is keeping them off the exhaust manifold. One note is wires are new and pretty stiff.
  • Wayne M.
    • February 29, 1980
    • 6414

    Re: Starter wire routing for 67 BB with AC

    Originally posted by Thomas Rose (41035)
    Running the starter wires and positive cable to starter on 67 coupe 427/390 with AC and having an issue with the wires getting really close, just about touching exhaust manifold.

    First question is that the wire clips on firewall, I have 2 that very close together next to evaporator/heater core cover, then 1 that is lower down. Assume that the lower one is for starter wires and the 2 above, one is positive wire and the other is for speedometer cable?

    The other question is does the starter wires and positive cable feed in above starter or do they go below starter and wrap back up? AIM picture shows coming in above from side, but again challenge is keeping them off the exhaust manifold. One note is wires are new and pretty stiff.
    Thomas --- This may not answer your questions, but here's a link to a thread back in Feb (includes another post by me linking to an earlier thread last November), in which firewall clips and what wires / cables they are to retain is discussed. Some examples are related to air cars and 396 (same as air because of battery configuration).


    The +ve battery cable and starter wires feed in from above the starter. I suspect that the latter branches off from the heater blower/AC wiring at a point close to and inboard of the passenger hood latch, then drops down and inwards toward the starter, without having to get too close to the cast iron manifold. I don't say this with certainty, and it's so congested in that area (especially with small block air, due to ignition wires and shielding) that it's almost impossible to get a good picture.


    • John H.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • November 30, 1997
      • 16513

      Re: Starter wire routing for 67 BB with AC

      The snap-on spring steel retainer holds the starter harness and battery cable tight against the top of the solenoid to keep them away from the exhaust manifold; see section L36, sheet A16 in the Assembly Manual.


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