Child seats in old cars?

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  • Terry M.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • October 1, 1980
    • 15541

    Re: Child seats in old cars?

    On the Road Tour to the National Convention in Mass a couple of years ago some of us went through a "Safety Check Point" after leaving Dr. Mike's place. I can't remember which state we were in, but it was one of the North East states. I was prim and proper in the ex-North Carolina Highway Patrol 2001 Camaro, but I am sure Charlie Cadenhead didn't have shoulder belts in his 1964. We passed through uneventfully.
    Chuck you would have to check your state laws, but you may not have been as illegal as you think.


    • George J.
      Very Frequent User
      • March 1, 1999
      • 770

      Re: Child seats in old cars?

      I remember sitting on the back deck of my dad's '65 Mustang with the top down. "Only on our street" was the rule. My mom told me recently of putting us in the back seat footwell of the Ford Grand Squire wagon when we were infants. She got the idea after hearing a "thud" one day an figued we couldn't go anywhere from there.



      • Matthew M.
        • January 6, 2009
        • 46

        Re: Child seats in old cars?

        Just though I would follow this up. I installed an anchor in rear package tray of the car, put the car seat in and went to the local OPP station (Ontario Provincial Police) and had it checked, looks like I'm good to go just in time to spend fathers day at the local Petrolia car show with my daughter. Thanks to all for their input.


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