63 speedometer cable replacement

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  • Greg W.
    • September 1, 2005
    • 117

    63 speedometer cable replacement

    I can not get my fingers let alone a pair of pliers onto the speedometer cable to get it off. I read in another post about pulling the cable out of the gray sheath, how is this done or any easy tricks of replacing the entire cable?

    Thanks again.
  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: 63 speedometer cable replacement

    Greg -

    The inner flex shaft can only be removed from the cluster end of the cable - it has a "stop" swaged on it that prevents it from being removed from the transmission end.


    • Joel T.
      • May 1, 2005
      • 765

      Re: 63 speedometer cable replacement

      Originally posted by Greg Walker (44442)
      I can not get my fingers let alone a pair of pliers onto the speedometer cable to get it off. I read in another post about pulling the cable out of the gray sheath, how is this done or any easy tricks of replacing the entire cable?

      Thanks again.

      Getting that cable out is a PITA... but I did not tell you that! You need to do it with your fingers 'cause you will never get pliers in there. If push comes to shove, drop the steering column a bit (or take it out all together) and pull the dash out a bit (use longer screws) to get more room to work with.. I've done it a few times (actually getting ready to do it again).. and it is always problematic. Whenever you replace the cable (new or used), get that connector only finger tight... it will not come apart.

      The thing I have more trouble with is that blasted trip odometer reset cable... it never seems to want to go in straight!

      Good luck,



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