Quanta belts

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  • Peter J.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 1, 1994
    • 586

    Re: Quanta belts

    I had this problem with my 66 L-79. It too is a nonadjustable application. I took the w/p pulley off and it was so tight I called Quanta and told them of the issue and they sent me another belt that was a little longer. I still had to take the pulley off to get it on but the fit is just right.


    • Tom L.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • October 18, 2006
      • 1434

      Re: Quanta belts

      I think I may have found a compromise for my Gates replacement belt without ordering several Quanta belts to find one that fit as Tom did. While driving home last night the comment Bill made about the belt streching to fit crossed my mind. I agree that the belt should not have to do that. However I did think to myself, "What if I forced it to wear in?" don't know if I want to admit it but I took a Bubba approach.

      It went like this: I removed all belts except the captive one and the fan blade. bolted the pulley onto the water pump. With the motor running I held a piece of 40 grit sandpaper with a pair of pliers on the side of the belt, wearing it down slightly. After a few minuites I artificially wore out the belt so it has the proper tension.

      Afraid to ask but, what do you think?


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