53 to 57 headlight retainer ring Trivia - NCRS Discussion Boards

53 to 57 headlight retainer ring Trivia

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  • Roy B.
    • January 31, 1975
    • 7044

    53 to 57 headlight retainer ring Trivia

    It don't mean much as fare as the JM goes ,but if your buying them it does. It also mean the headlight bucket needs to match the retainer ring , if you don't have the correct bucket or ring nether will work to gather. Can some one tell me why and which is the original correct ring?

  • Steve H.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 31, 1996
    • 118

    Re: 53 to 57 headlight retainer ring Trivia

    Bottom one, Lip on the inside of the ring.



    • Roy B.
      • January 31, 1975
      • 7044

      Re: 53 to 57 headlight retainer ring Trivia

      Originally posted by Steve Huskins (28428)
      Bottom one, Lip on the inside of the ring.

      Yes ! but why? try again and it's not because of the lip


      • Fenwick B.
        • December 31, 2004
        • 115

        Re: 53 to 57 headlight retainer ring Trivia

        The bottom one only has 3 tabs


        • Roy B.
          • January 31, 1975
          • 7044

          Re: 53 to 57 headlight retainer ring Trivia

          The top one has two tabs. Why because the third hold down point uses a spring . I point this out because many are bought by Corvette guys thinking it's Corvette because many sellers list them as NOS in a box for car and Corvette. The top ring will not work on a Corvette unless the bucket is also wrong.


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