C4 Hose Markings

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  • Pat M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 1, 2006
    • 1564

    C4 Hose Markings

    I know I'm a bit early since 96s aren't judged yet, but I thought late C4 owners whose cars are now judged could give me some idea.
    I assume hose markings must be exactly as they appeared from the factory to get full credit? I recently ordered replacement radiator hoses from GM just to see what they looked like. While nearly all the markings were the same, they were configured differently. See picture below.
    I assume these differences would draw a deduction? If so, does anyone repo these hoses with identical markings?
    Attached Files
  • Pat M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 1, 2006
    • 1564

    Re: C4 Hose Markings

    Thanks Dave. Must the wording pictured also appear in a certain arrangement to avoid a further deduction? What's the best replacement hoses that will draw the least deductions?
    Last edited by Pat M.; April 14, 2009, 11:25 AM.


    • Joe L.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • February 1, 1988
      • 43133

      Re: C4 Hose Markings

      Originally posted by Pat Moresi (45581)
      Thanks Dave. Must the wording pictured also appear in a certain arrangement to avoid a further deduction? What's the best replacement hoses that will draw the least deductions?

      If you could find SERVICE hoses that was manufactured in 1996, you would probably have hoses that are identical to the original ones on the car. Just how you would find those I don't know since the part number was the same then as now. In any event, I'm virtually certain that the current GM SERVICE hoses are as close as you're going to get barring the above-referenced.

      As far as reproduction goes, forget it. VERY FEW parts for C4's are currently reproduced and of those few that are, I don't think hoses are among them.
      In Appreciation of John Hinckley


      • Pat M.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • April 1, 2006
        • 1564

        Re: C4 Hose Markings

        Thanks so much guys.
        Dave, yes, I intend on keeping the original hoses on until they collapse , but I was just wondering what, if any, replacement hoses looked JUST like the originals, since my originals won't last forever.
        Joe - THAT's what I needed to know - if this is the best I'm gonna get, I'll take it.
        Best Regards, Pat


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