T10 Assembly

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  • Joel T.
    • May 1, 2005
    • 765

    T10 Assembly

    Hi All;

    I took my T10 apart to send out the main case to have that countershaft bushing installed. Now I have 94 roller bearings sitting on my workbench... 80 of which are used on the countershaft... The assembly manual says to use thick grease to hold them in place while assembling.... I took a whack at this yesterday just to see how it would go... based on this I can see where getting the countershaft back in the case and assembled will be a real challenge....

    Question... Does anyone have a better method of doing this?


  • Joe R.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 1, 1976
    • 4546

    Re: T10 Assembly


    There have been some discussion about the use of thick bearing grease for this purpose. Some knowledgeable people use petrolum jelly on the theory that the petrolum jelly will melt as soon as the trans gets hot and then the trans oil will lubricate the countershaft bearings.

    I'm not very knowledgeable on T-10's so I use good old thick bearing grease, slide the countershaft in and down the road I go.

    Sorry, but I know of no other way to get those pesty little rollers inside that countergear.



    • Joel T.
      • May 1, 2005
      • 765

      Re: T10 Assembly

      Hi Joe,

      Here's what I was thinking... perhaps this might work..

      I'm sure i can get the bearings in place alright but I wonder what will happen when I try to get that gear assembly back in the case... I can see those little buggers falling all over the place.. like they did when I took it apart. I was thinking perhaps a length of plastic or copper pipe slightly smaller in diameter than the countershaft and cut to the length of the gear assembly would keep the bearings more or less in place while moving the assembly around... if so, it could be pushed out the front of the case when the countershaft was installed...

      Was wondering if anyone had tried something like this...



      • William C.
        NCRS Past President
        • June 1, 1975
        • 6037

        Re: T10 Assembly

        Yes, a wooden Dowel of the correct size or similar can be used, but the thick grease applied to the inside of the countergear as well as to the individual rollers themselves along with care in alignment when installing the countershaft will generally work well, sometimes on the second try. You will know immediately if all is well if you install the shaft and none of the rollers come out the other end. It's not really that daunting of a task with a little practice.
        Bill Clupper #618


        • Barry H.
          Very Frequent User
          • May 1, 1976
          • 213

          Re: T10 Assembly

          Joel, Most guys who do this often have an old countershaft shortened to the cluster gear length, & ground slightly smaller. Then assemble cluster gear with needle bearings, spacers, grease, & shortened shaft. Put assembly in case with thrust washers, then insert regular countershaft to displace shortened shaft & job is done. Your idea about a "dummy shaft" made of some other material will work very well. Good Luck!Barry Holmes


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