LeVernier's Auto Polish

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  • Jeremy D.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 1, 1998
    • 323

    LeVernier's Auto Polish

    Does anybody know where I can get "LeVernier's Custom Gloss Cream Auto Polish"? I love the stuff, and I'm running out. I got a can from a crane rental company 2 years ago, and I have no idea where they got it from....I've Googled the name, no dice. Short of writing to the Tekonsha Corporation in Syracuse, Indiana where it's made, anybody know where I can find the stuff?
  • Craig O.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 1, 1983
    • 207

    Re: LeVernier's Auto Polish

    found this number, don't know if its current or If is still being made 574-457-4133 tried it some time ago, frankly I found this stuff to be below my expectations


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