67 Frame Shim Marks on a Convertible

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  • Kirk M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • July 1, 2006
    • 1036

    67 Frame Shim Marks on a Convertible

    Question 1. I thought I understood this but the Quanta Tech Bulletin #1 states "#2 body mount shim marks (1963 only)."

    So, mount #1 is the mount just behind the front wheel - needs shim marks.

    Mount #2 for a convertible is 1/2 way down the rail - Do I shim mark it?? Quanta says no, but pictures people sent me show shim marks at this point on their frames.

    Mount #3 just in front of rear wheel - needs shim marks.

    Mount #4 just behind rear wheel (?) - needs shim marks.

    Question #2. People have told me NO shim marks at the radiator, but clearly 67's are marked at the front edge of the frame for shim marks and the "X" or star mark. So, what are those marks for then - wouldn't that be the radiator mount point or is that different than what the marks represent - the front body mount point?

    Just don't want to start putting slashes everywhere before making sure I know what I'm doing. Thanks.

  • Mike M.
    Director Region V
    • September 1, 1994
    • 1463

    Re: 67 Frame Shim Marks on a Convertible

    Hi Kirk
    You don't need just "Shim Marks"
    Reverse the process.
    You should have your original shim packs to return to the mounts, or to use as a guide for the number of shims in that position, if not, shim the mounts as needed.
    The "Shim Marks" then reflect the actual number of shims in that position.
    All four mounts were used on convertibles. Typically all locations but one or two are shimmed.
    Your Mount #1 assessment is correct. However, often there are no shims in this position and occassionally in position #4. These locations would then be marked "0".
    Chassis judges count the shims to be sure they coincide with the marks.
    I believe the "Radiator" shimming was a separate assembly step, others can illuminate us about that.


    • Michael S.
      • April 1, 1987
      • 364

      Re: 67 Frame Shim Marks on a Convertible

      Some 67's also have green grease pencil shim marks on one side and white grease pencil shim marks on the other. My wife's July of 1967 built convertible is an example.


      • Kirk M.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • July 1, 2006
        • 1036

        Re: 67 Frame Shim Marks on a Convertible

        Originally posted by Mike Murray (25129)
        Hi Kirk
        You don't need just "Shim Marks"
        Reverse the process.
        You should have your original shim packs to return to the mounts, or to use as a guide for the number of shims in that position, if not, shim the mounts as needed.
        The "Shim Marks" then reflect the actual number of shims in that position.
        All four mounts were used on convertibles. Typically all locations but one or two are shimmed.
        Your Mount #1 assessment is correct. However, often there are no shims in this position and occassionally in position #4. These locations would then be marked "0".
        Chassis judges count the shims to be sure they coincide with the marks.
        I believe the "Radiator" shimming was a separate assembly step, others can illuminate us about that.
        Thanks Mike,

        My car body has never been off its original frame and shims and it is very difficult to determine the precise number of shims at each mount with the body mounted and almost 40 years of wear and tear. I will be making my best guestimate at each mount and marking the car accordingly.

        I just wanted to make sure that there should be three (3) sets of shim marks down the side rail and NOT two (2). Am I correct that my 67 convertible should have three sets? Thanks.



        • Mike M.
          Director Region V
          • September 1, 1994
          • 1463

          Re: 67 Frame Shim Marks on a Convertible

          Hi Kirk
          You should be able to clean up your shims enough to determine their quantity.
          Originally there were marks at all 4 positions, however, #2 is usually eclipsed by the rocker molding or side pipe.
          For judging, if you have marks at #'s 1, 3 & 4, you should be OK.
          Good Luck, have fun.


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