paint judging question

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  • Greg H.
    • June 3, 2008
    • 254

    paint judging question

    Hi all,

    My 70 has some areas repainted, some original paint. The repainting was done in 72 with lacquer. How is color match judged? Let's say for the purpose of the discussion the repainted sections are a very close match, and only a trained eye would quickly deduce what is repaint vs. original. Will the judges ever use paint chips to evaluate the color?

  • Paul O.
    Frequent User
    • September 1, 1990
    • 1716

    Re: paint judging question

    Greg paint chips are not to be used during judging but a judge may show you a chip to tell you why if you question his reason for a deduction for color. If your repainted areas are very close to the original color you would most likely have no deductions for color but there maybe other issues for finish and condition. Paul 18046


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