New Rear Spring Adjustment

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  • Steve G.
    • March 1, 1993
    • 43

    New Rear Spring Adjustment

    I just installed a new rear spring on my 64 coupe and I now have one side a half inch higher the the other . I saw there are adjustable spring bolts that are 8 inches compared to the stock ones that are 6. I also was told that changing the bushings with these bolts could change ride hight . Is there a way to adjust only one side ? Thanks
  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: New Rear Spring Adjustment

    Steve -

    Where did you buy the new spring?

    I'd drive it for 100 miles or so and re-check it after it settles. The factory ride height spec tolerances were +/- 3/8" for each side, so it can be within spec on both sides and still be up to 3/4" different from one side to the other.

    If the new spring has clips on it, remove them - they're only to maintain leaf alignment during shipping.


    • Steve G.
      • March 1, 1993
      • 43

      Re: New Rear Spring Adjustment

      I bought the spings from a local Corvette shop . You made a good point of driving it and letting it settle . I dont even have a mile on the car since the body off so I'll get it aligned, let it settle and see where it ends up . Could an alignment adjust the ride hight ? Thanks


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