c2 timing moves after initial setting

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  • Duke W.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 1, 1993
    • 15491

    Re: c2 timing moves after initial setting

    If you have no evidence that this 43 year old distributor has been overhauled since it began life, I would strongly suggest...

    It's not hard and there are extensive discussions in the archives.



    • Robert B.
      • March 1, 1999
      • 43

      Re: c2 timing moves after initial setting

      Duke - I agree. Its time. Thanks.


      • Tom L.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • October 18, 2006
        • 1434

        Re: c2 timing moves after initial setting

        Just a note on idle RPM. Are you using the tach in the car? Recently when changing my points and then adjusting dwell I checked the RPM using the dwell meter. It showed that the Tach in the car was 200 RPM low. If you had the idle set at 750, and you have a problem like me, your idle may be as high as 950. As a result you may be getting advance from the weights. Good luck!


        • Robert B.
          • March 1, 1999
          • 43

          Re: c2 timing moves after initial setting

          Yes using another rpm source in my timing light. Good thought. I think my next step is a distributer rebuild. Thanks


          • Wayne K.
            • December 1, 1999
            • 1030

            Re: c2 timing moves after initial setting

            As Duke suggested, did you confirm that the dwell wasn't changing ?


            • Robert B.
              • March 1, 1999
              • 43

              Re: c2 timing moves after initial setting

              Wayne, It is next on my list. I ran out of time. I will post my findings. Thanks, Rob


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