1964 with a/c passenger side horn placement - NCRS Discussion Boards

1964 with a/c passenger side horn placement

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  • Jim P.
    • August 31, 2003
    • 89

    1964 with a/c passenger side horn placement

    I just want to confirm that the passenger side horn placement on a 64 with a/c is the same as non a/c 64s. I know it was on the inner fender wall in 66/67 but not sure about 64. The AIM shows the location as the lower core support. Thanks in advance. Jim
  • Jack H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 31, 1990
    • 9906

    Re: 1964 with a/c passenger side horn placement

    Horn PN's were the same for all cars regardless of configuration...


    • Alan D.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • December 31, 2004
      • 2020

      Re: 1964 with a/c passenger side horn placement

      Jim, the placement of the horns in the 64AIM for non ac are correct


      • Wayne M.
        • February 29, 1980
        • 6414

        Re: 1964 with a/c passenger side horn placement

        Originally posted by Jim Propheter (40599)
        I just want to confirm that the passenger side horn placement on a 64 with a/c is the same as non a/c 64s.
        Jim -- I can't say positively for '64s, but for '65s (which has the same A/C rad support) the placement of passenger side horn assy. is the same; air or not. The '65 AIM C60 section says to "rotate horn to gain 0.38" clearance to [refrigerant inlet] tube". I have 2 comments on that: (1) the rad support has a horizontal embossment that serves as a locator/stop for the horn bracket -- I don't think you can rotate the horn independently of its mounting bracket.
        And (2); my horn fits perfectly in the non-air position, and although my inlet tube is repro, it fits perfectly without interference. I see no need for the AIM reference to rotation.


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