Rear leaf springs for '56 Corvettes

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  • Brooks G.
    Very Frequent User
    • December 1, 1978
    • 285

    Rear leaf springs for '56 Corvettes

    When my '56 returns home from extensive body work I want to rebuild the suspension and chassis including the rear leaf springs. I am not sure if I should try to re-arc the springs or just replace them. Years ago helper springs were installed by a previous owner I am sure to help with a sagging rear end. I know that complete leaf springs are available. Does anyone know how correct they are and do they put the ride height where it should be. I have seen a few early vetts that I think ride too high in the rear. I thank everyone in advance for your input.
  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: Rear leaf springs for '56 Corvettes

    Brooks -

    Are your springs the originals with the longitudinal groove ("keystone" cross-section)? If so, Eaton Detroit Spring ( can re-process them correctly (heat, re-form, heat-treat, anneal, and shot-peen) if they aren't badly corroded, but it won't be cheap. Alternatively, they can supply replacements (with flat leaves - no steel mill makes the "grooved" strip stock any more) that will produce the correct ride height, more reasonably priced.


    • Roy B.
      • February 1, 1975
      • 7044

      Re: Rear leaf springs for '56 Corvettes

      Or you could do what I did 25 years ago add air shocks , buy at any parts house ,ride is good and you can set the height where you wont them , I pull a trailer . Small point lost


      • Brooks G.
        Very Frequent User
        • December 1, 1978
        • 285

        Re: Rear leaf springs for '56 Corvettes

        John and Roy, thanks for your replies! You have given me the info that I was looking for. I am pretty sure that my car has the original springs. I have owned this car for 42 years and the leaf springs have not been replaced or taken off the car since I have owned it. At this point I am leaning toward having Eaton Spring Co. refirbish mine. Guys! Thanks again!


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