How many '67s w/ L79, C60, N40 combination? - NCRS Discussion Boards

How many '67s w/ L79, C60, N40 combination?

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  • Ray G.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 31, 1986
    • 1187

    How many '67s w/ L79, C60, N40 combination?

    Anyone know of a definitive way to figure the production number of a group of Options.

    Appreciate all ideas.

    Thank you.
    And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
    I hope you dance

  • Oliver B.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 31, 1992
    • 556

    Re: How many '67s w/ L79, C60, N40 combination?

    You'll have to bury that, I'm afraid.

    GM only supplied how many #s they sold on RPOs, but never a combination of them...


    • Wayne M.
      • February 29, 1980
      • 6414

      Re: How many '67s w/ L79, C60, N40 combination?

      Originally posted by Ray Geiger (9992)
      Anyone know of a definitive way to figure the production number of a group of Options. Appreciate all ideas.Ray
      Ray -- that's an easy one: check Noland's Vol 2, page 433 (the table with the N40 Exclusion Code Letters). The number of 1967 N40 cars w/L79 and C60, as shown by ECL code "AD" is 336.


      • Ray G.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • May 31, 1986
        • 1187

        Re: How many '67s w/ L79, C60, N40 combination?

        Thank you Wayne.

        Had CRS.

        Really appreciate your knowledge.

        And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
        I hope you dance


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