68 BB Pulleys

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  • Robert C.
    • May 1, 1993
    • 2

    68 BB Pulleys

    I have a 427 w/o AC, w PS and no air pump. I need help on the pulley and belt arrangements, particularly the crankshaft pulley size and no. of grooves.
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43129

    Re: 68 BB Pulleys

    Originally posted by Robert Cox (22539)
    I have a 427 w/o AC, w PS and no air pump. I need help on the pulley and belt arrangements, particularly the crankshaft pulley size and no. of grooves.

    The car has had the AIR pump removed since ALL 1968 Corvettes were originally equipped with AIR----no exceptions, at all.

    Some 1968 big blocks used a 2 groove waterpump pulley with an "add-on" single groove pulley "sandwiched-on" in the front. This front pulley was the AIR pump driver pulley. Other 1968 big blocks used a 3 groove waterpump pulley with the forward groove being the AIR driver. The 2 different arrangements used different sized pullies. The 2 groove pulley was 5-7/8" OD; the 3 groove pulley was 5-9/16" OD.

    One of two crankshaft pullies was used with all 1968 big blocks. Most 1968 big blocks used stamped steel pulley GM #3921923. Some L-71 and L-88 MAY have used cast iron pulley GM #3863108. Both of these pullies are 6-3/4" OD and can be used interchangeably.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Robert C.
      • May 1, 1993
      • 2

      Re: 68 BB Pulleys

      Joe, many thanks for the help.


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