Knock Off date code?

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  • Philip A.
    • February 26, 2008
    • 329

    Knock Off date code?

    Can someone explain how to decode this date code: "D10 28"? It is off a 65 or 66 rim. Also are date codes for KOs checked during judging?
  • Mike M.
    Director Region V
    • September 1, 1994
    • 1463

    Re: Knock Off date code?

    The number sequence is not TFP.
    Only the back side of the spare would be viewable during judging.


    • Donald T.
      • October 1, 2002
      • 1319

      Re: Knock Off date code?


      You will find variations on the date code stamp. Some are pretty straightforward, like 4 28 65. Yours would be October 28th, but there is no year stamp. This format is actually pretty common. 64 and early 65 just used an ink stamp which wore off quickly. So if yours are factory originals, they would have been originally installed on a '66. I suppose it is also possible that they could be later GM service replacements too. You might also want to search the archives as there is a lot of additional info.


      • Wayne M.
        • March 1, 1980
        • 6414

        Re: Knock Off date code?

        Originally posted by Philip Arena (48654)
        Can someone explain how to decode this date code: "D10 28"? It is off a 65 or 66 rim. Also are date codes for KOs checked during judging?
        As Donald mentions below, there seem to be some weird stampings out there on otherwise original KH knockoffs.

        The '65 TIM&JG does not mention inspecting dates, but that doesn't mean that judges don't look for them, nor take them into account in deciding if TFP (a statistical term, BTW ).

        The dates on the front wheels can be seen on the judging field, but with some difficulty, depending on the clocking. My set of 5 originals off a '66 have dates within 1 day of each other (pic of what I'd consider typical, below).

        There's another set of 5 on eBay, and only 2 of the dates seem to follow the format I'd expect. Most don't seem to have a year stamp. Perhaps between the discontinuation of the ink stamp and the 1966 format, they couldn't decide. Close up pics are best -- let you and others be the judge(s).


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