Back issues of the Restorer Magazine - NCRS Discussion Boards

Back issues of the Restorer Magazine

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  • Kenneth H.
    • October 27, 2008
    • 500

    Back issues of the Restorer Magazine

    I'm looking for an original copy of the Spring 2001 issue of the Restorer Magazine. I called the store some time ago, and was told that they had stopped supplying back issues, but Eric was kind enough to send me a copy of the article I was interested in ("M Was for Mystery").

    Doe anyone have a copy that they would be willing to sell, or can anyone suggest how I might find one?

  • Edward M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • October 31, 1985
    • 1916

    Re: Back issues of the Restorer Magazine

    1. Check the Driveline. A couple of people deal in back issues.
    2. Check Ebay, they show up there from time to time.


    • Jim D.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 30, 1985
      • 2882

      Re: Back issues of the Restorer Magazine

      Check E-Bay. There are usually quite a few back issues there. Most are reasonably priced, some are ridiculous.


      • Kenneth H.
        • October 27, 2008
        • 500

        Re: Back issues of the Restorer Magazine

        I didn't think to check Driveline. I'll do that tonight. I've been watching Ebay for about 6 months now, and I haven't seen anything close to the Spring 2001 issue. Mostly, the issues available are much older.



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