'64 Corvette at GM display -- Toronto, Fall '63

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  • Wayne M.
    • March 1, 1980
    • 6414

    '64 Corvette at GM display -- Toronto, Fall '63

    Previous thread about N.Y. World's Fair car show got me looking into my old negs. This '64 fuelie convertible (white on red) was at the Canadian National Exhibition car show -- believe this was around Labor Day of 1963; could'a been as late as the Sportsman's show in Nov ?? [help me out you old T.O. guys]. Used Photobucket pic host, rather than puny DB pixel limits, so you A.R. guys can verify the correct valve stem-to-checkered flag clocking . Notice wheel weights on OUTSIDE rim (factory ?)

    Last edited by Wayne M.; February 17, 2009, 02:20 PM.
  • Scott S.
    • June 1, 2006
    • 85

    Re: '64 Corvette at GM display -- Toronto, Fall '63

    Nice picture, I'm guessing that was in the "Avtomotive Bvilding" during the Canadian National Exhibition. (Just a guess though as this is a bit before my time.)

    As a kid I used to bug my dad to take me to that building to see the cars...much to my disappointment they had stopped using it for that.


    • Henry J.
      Very Frequent User
      • November 1, 1999
      • 457

      Re: '64 Corvette at GM display -- Toronto, Fall '63

      The CNE [the "EX" as it was called] took place - in those years - in late August, ending on Labour Day. As this took place before the official introduction of the "new" models in late September and early October, the display of cars in the Automotive Building involved the cars with which were already familiar. Even as a young teenager, this made no sense to me. I wanted to see the new ones.

      I distinctly remember a 64 Pontiac Parisienne convertible on display then. It was stunning. It was probably there at the very same time at this 64 Corvette!!!!


      • Michael H.
        • January 29, 2008
        • 7477

        Re: '64 Corvette at GM display -- Toronto, Fall '63

        Originally posted by Wayne Midkiff (3437)
        Previous thread about N.Y. World's Fair car show got me looking into my old negs. This '64 fuelie convertible (white on red) was at the Canadian National Exhibition car show -- believe this was around Labor Day of 1963; could'a been as late as the Sportsman's show in Nov ?? [help me out you old T.O. guys]. Used Photobucket pic host, rather than puny DB pixel limits, so you A.R. guys can verify the correct valve stem-to-checkered flag clocking . Notice wheel weights on OUTSIDE rim (factory ?)
        Interesting picture. Notice the absence of yellow glue around the door weatherstrip. (that's because it's clear/transparent)
        Lot of restorers brush wide stripes of ugly yellow glue all around the w/strip area on the door.


        • Henry J.
          Very Frequent User
          • November 1, 1999
          • 457

          Re: '64 Corvette at GM display -- Toronto, Fall '63


          Are you suggesting that the original adhesive yellowed with age?


          • Michael H.
            • January 29, 2008
            • 7477

            Re: '64 Corvette at GM display -- Toronto, Fall '63

            Originally posted by Henry Jakubiec (33095)

            Are you suggesting that the original adhesive yellowed with age?
            Yes, absolutely. The weatherstripping adhesive on doors of a new C2 was nearly invisible. As the years passed, the adhesive became more and more visible. It turned to a semi translucent yellow/brown color. (it was NEVER taxi cab yellow)

            I'm not 100% sure about the adhesive for the hood w/strip on a 67 though. That may have been a different adhesive but it still wasn't bright yellow.


            • Henry J.
              Very Frequent User
              • November 1, 1999
              • 457

              Re: '64 Corvette at GM display -- Toronto, Fall '63


              Your explanation makes sense to me. What's left of my memory leads me to recall never seeing yellow goop everywhere around the weatherstripping. Thank you.


              • Michael H.
                • January 29, 2008
                • 7477

                Re: '64 Corvette at GM display -- Toronto, Fall '63

                Originally posted by Henry Jakubiec (33095)

                Your explanation makes sense to me. What's left of my memory leads me to recall never seeing yellow goop everywhere around the weatherstripping. Thank you.
                Thanks Henry. The reason why the white 64 conv in the picture poked at my memory is because I also purchased a brand new white 64 (coupe) in Feb 64, my first Corvette. As a young guy, I remember minute details of that car, as would be expected. (I still remember the VIN)
                I would have remembered and certainly complained, if there was highly visible amber glue on the doors. I often waxed the door jambs.
                If you looked a little closer, you could see the glue but not easily.

                Somewhere I have several pic's of the car and I think at least one or two are with the door open. I'll see if I can find it.


                • Rob M.
                  NCRS IT Developer
                  • January 1, 2004
                  • 12624

                  Re: '64 Corvette at GM display -- Toronto, Fall '63

                  That doesn't look like a standard radio installed or it has some very strange reflections...

                  Also there is some cabling on the middle console, probably for lightning purposes...


                  NCRS Dutch Chapter Founder & Board Member
                  NCRS Software Developer
                  C1, C2 and C3 Registry Developer


                  • Timothy B.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • May 1, 1983
                    • 5173

                    Re: '64 Corvette at GM display -- Toronto, Fall '63

                    Nice picture, also notice the nice rake of the car front to back. Many cars restored just don't look good because of this..


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