I looked at 4 claimed to be original bolt on wheels yesterday for sale and wanted to share what I saw for input. There are no KH, dates, or stamps found on the backside of the wheels. They do have the raised areas or ribbing on the back. The holes for the lugs nuts are recessed on the front. The hole for the tire stem lines up with one of the bolt holes in a clocking sense. I measured the fin width using a micrometer and found them to be 0.075" to 0.085". For comparison, the owner had on hand an original set of 65-66 KH knock-offs which I measured to be in the range of 0.200" to 0.215". He did not have a set of repro 67 bolt ons unless what I was viewing proves to be that. There was possibly an indentation or stamping on the front side inside the area of the bolt holes that might be construed as somewhat of a diamond. It was small and in the neighborhood of an 1/8" in size. It was not perfectly defined and I may be overstating it as a stamping. Although it was on all four wheels. The owner claims they have been restored and he also has four original starburst in the boxes which I saw and agree were original. My problem - the wheels look too good to be true and we all know where that leads. Thoughts?
67 Original Kelsey Hayes Bolt On
Re: 67 Original Kelsey Hayes Bolt On
i have two pictures of front sideOver 80 Corvettes of fun ! Love Rochester Fuel Injection 57-65 cars. Love CORVETTE RACE CARS
Re: 67 Original Kelsey Hayes Bolt On
Tim if the wheels use stock lug nuts they are real, if they use mag wheel style lug nuts they are repos. Dont buy the BS that the holes were drilled out. If you see a very small diamond stamped in with three letters they are very old repos. Phil 8063- Top