Tivia pic's deleted

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  • Roy B.
    • February 1, 1975
    • 7044

    Tivia pic's deleted

    I deleted nearly all past pic's I ever posted because my file was getting to large . Many had vary little interest for people on their year Corvette ,I hope some did and copied them for their particular year Corvette. May be some helped in writing a Article for the Restorer which would be great .
    If anyone needs one re posted just ask me or e-mail me. Thanks Roy Braatz
  • Terry D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 1, 1987
    • 2684

    Re: Tivia pic's deleted

    You should put them a CD, make them available to buy. I'm sur lots of folks would be interested. I for one would buy one.


    • Roy B.
      • February 1, 1975
      • 7044

      Re: Tivia pic's deleted

      I never wonted money or try selling anything ,I post info along with pic's so people if they wont can copy , use or pass them on and remember that don't mean I'm correct .I keep a file of other members info and pic's also. But Thanks


      • Jimmy B.
        • August 1, 1980
        • 584

        Re: Tivia pic's deleted


        Offer an authentication service for a fee, it has worked for other NCRS members who we shared the information with for free.


        • Roy B.
          • February 1, 1975
          • 7044

          Re: Tivia pic's deleted

          Originally posted by Jimmy Blakely (3742)

          Offer an authentication service for a fee, it has worked for other NCRS members who we shared the information with for free.
          Isn't that what I've done , I only hope people will share my info with others that don't use this forum like Gary did about the oil pan. To me this is a hobby and never a business .Remember I dint know nothing till some one years ago showed and shared info with me! Like your self.


          • Jimmy B.
            • August 1, 1980
            • 584

            Re: Tivia pic's deleted

            I know Roy, your tireless energy and untold numerous hours upon hours of research, data gathering, and posting and sharing that information I'm sure is greatly appreciated by these true "diehard" C1 members!

            Money received "NADA", friend made -- priceless!!!

            Jim Blakely


            • Roy B.
              • February 1, 1975
              • 7044

              Re: Tivia pic's deleted

              Originally posted by Jimmy Blakely (3742)
              I know Roy, your tireless energy and untold numerous hours upon hours of research, data gathering, and posting and sharing that information I'm sure is greatly appreciated by these true "diehard" C1 members!

              Money received "NADA", friend made -- priceless!!!

              Jim Blakely
              OK how much money do I owe you for that


              • Jimmy B.
                • August 1, 1980
                • 584

                Re: Tivia pic's deleted

                I know a nice seafood restaurant here in Sarasota, also rumors of a great steakhouse in TAMPA.



                • Steven B.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • July 1, 1982
                  • 3938

                  Re: Tivia pic's deleted

                  Roy, if you charged $$$$ you could get a COPPER Corvette, nah-you have two, or you could get a COPPER moto-cycle, nah-you have one, or you could get a COPPER bicycle, nah-you have one, or you could get a COPPER mine-you don't have one of those, do you???? Or, you could continue doing what you do and have the gratitude and respect of all of us. 'Waiting for your next thread---


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