1966 radio schematic? - NCRS Discussion Boards

1966 radio schematic?

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  • Steven S.
    • August 29, 2007
    • 571

    1966 radio schematic?

    Anybody have a scan of an old photofacts or other schematic on a '66 radio (model 986281)?

  • Wayne M.
    • February 29, 1980
    • 6414

    Re: 1966 radio schematic?

    Originally posted by Steven Snyder (47742)
    Anybody have a scan of an old photofacts or other schematic on a '66 radio (model 986281)?..Steve
    Steve -- I have the Delco 1966 Radio Service Manual, which has an 11" by 15" schematic of the '281'. Printed on blue paper, though. I'd have to email as the file needs to be large enough to be readable in detail.

    Do you need the island maps as well ?

    Unless someone else gives you a better offer in the next 14 hours, I will scan tomorrow AM. You can PM your email address to me.


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