Antenna question

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  • Joe R.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 1, 2006
    • 1822

    Antenna question

    I bought a car cover. I'm about ready to install it. The only problem is the antenna is in the extended position. The car sat here in the rust belt for close to 30 years before I got a hold of it. Is it safe to just apply magic smoke power to the antenna and see if it will retract? Or should I remove the antenna and play with it on the bench first?

  • Grant M.
    Very Frequent User
    • September 1, 1995
    • 448

    Re: Antenna question


    No offense, but I trust you understand that the power antennas on C2s don't fully retract anyway (the thickest/last segment (about 10-12") remains extended at full retraction.

    If your issue is the remaining segments, then I would suggest trying something like WD-40 squirted into the crack at the base of each segment and allowed some time to work, followed by gentle manual "assistance" to the motor's effort in trying to retract the segments. I had a similar problem with an aftermarket power antenna on a 78 Firebird years ago that would "hang-up" in retraction evry now and then. WD-40 and GENTLE manual assistance would free-it up, followed by cleaning/lubricating the entire mast and working it up and down a number of times.

    Failing that, removal is probably necessary, perhaps in order to send the unit to someone who restores/repairs them; I have seen a couple mentioned on this board in the past. Do an archives search or perhaps someone else will post a suggestion.

    Good luck!



    • Joe R.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 1, 2006
      • 1822

      Re: Antenna question


      Thanks for the info. No offense taken. The antenna is in the fully extended position. It sounds like the safest course is to remove it, lube it, then bench test (or just send it out for restoration). How hard is the antenna to remove?



      • Grant M.
        Very Frequent User
        • September 1, 1995
        • 448

        Re: Antenna question


        From the picture beside your name on the posting header it appears that you have a sidepipe-equipped car. If that's the case, removal of the antenna will be easier than with a muffler-equipped car.

        Basically, you need to work from underneath on the driver's side. There's a bracket to which the power unit mounts (two bolts, IIRC) and a copper ground strap. There's also a ground plan (plate?) made of aluminum through which the antenna mast passes before going through the fender hole. Top-side, there's a large chrome 'nut' at the base of the mast that must be removed to allow the shaft to be lowered through the hole in the fender. Don't forget the antenna lead which must be disconnected as well. I installed mine ('65 convertible with rear mufflers), while the spare tire carrier was out and the mufflers were unfastened from their rear hangers. It gave me enough room to work (around the muffler/pipe) but would have been easier with the muffler completely removed and out of the way. With side pipes, that shouldn't be an issue.



        • Joe R.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • June 1, 2006
          • 1822

          Re: Antenna question


          Thanks for the info. I'll give it a shot. The Avatar is from the NCRS web site, but luckily for me my car does have side pipes like the Avatar.



          • Wayne M.
            • March 1, 1980
            • 6414

            Re: Antenna question

            Joe -- if a factory '65 antenna is fully extended, I doubt you could get it out from below without having the car (at least partially in the air) on a hoist. Do the measurements beforehand.


            • Grant M.
              Very Frequent User
              • September 1, 1995
              • 448

              Re: Antenna question

              Good point, Wayne!


              • Joe R.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • June 1, 2006
                • 1822

                Re: Antenna question


                I don't have a lift. Would jack stands get the car up high enough?



                • Joe R.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • June 1, 2006
                  • 1822

                  Re: Antenna question

                  Grant, Wayne,

                  Thanks for the tips. The antenna came out exactly as you described. I am getting ready to send it to Greg Thompson for restoration. What finish should the holding bracket have? How about the captive nut plate? What should I look for on the bolts as far as head markings? Mine are rusted out pretty badly and need to be replaced. Where can I get replacement bolts?



                  • John H.
                    Beyond Control Poster
                    • December 1, 1997
                    • 16513

                    Re: Antenna question

                    Originally posted by Joe Raine (45823)
                    What should I look for on the bolts as far as head markings? Mine are rusted out pretty badly and need to be replaced. Where can I get replacement bolts?

                    Richard Fortier has those unique fine-thread mounting bolts - he advertises in the "Driveline".


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