66 Jack storage compartment color

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  • Alexander M.
    • January 1, 2006
    • 48

    66 Jack storage compartment color

    The judging guide says that in 1966, the interior of the storage compartments is painted low gloss and is coordinated with the carpet color. My interior and carpet are Dark Blue. The storage area is painted Black. Does coordinated mean match, or is black correct?
  • Bill W.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 1, 1977
    • 402

    Re: 66 Jack storage compartment color

    Alexander, Your storage area should match your carpet. Bill


    • Alexander M.
      • January 1, 2006
      • 48

      Re: 66 Jack storage compartment color

      Hi Bill,
      Thanks. Do you know of an appropriate color match paint?


      • Bill W.
        Very Frequent User
        • November 1, 1977
        • 402

        Re: 66 Jack storage compartment color

        Alexander, No, but it should not be hard to match. Take your jack cover board with you to wally world or Hobby Lobby and start looking at cans of spray paint. What you buy may be too glossy but if sprayed "dry" it should be okay. Bill


        • Alexander M.
          • January 1, 2006
          • 48

          Re: 66 Jack storage compartment color

          Thanks Bill, I will probably need to do a few coats since I am going over Black,


          • Alexander M.
            • January 1, 2006
            • 48

            Re: 66 Jack storage compartment color

            Hi Bill,
            I took my compartment cover board to Walmart to match up the paint and noticed something a bit unusual. There are two Stevens stickers on he board and they both look fairly old. One that is totally visible indicates the color BLACK, while the other which is mostly obscured (covered) by the Positraction sticker (which also looks original to me) shows the correct DK BLUE carpet color. I could only see it by peeling back the Posi sticker. The compartment is painted black. Could this be a factory error? The dark blue sticker being covered by the posi sticker and a second incorrect Stevens sticker installed resulting in an incorrect color paint? Anyone ever hear of this occurring?


            • Mike M.
              Director Region V
              • September 1, 1994
              • 1463

              Re: 66 Jack storage compartment color

              Yes, the lid could have been switched-out.
              What does your Trim Tag say, regarding interior color?


              • Alexander M.
                • January 1, 2006
                • 48

                Re: 66 Jack storage compartment color

                The Trim Tag is a dark blue interior. I also pulled up some of the carpet padding and found the black paint is only in the exposed area. The original paint color under the padding appears to be blue. It sounds a little odd that someone would change the color of the two compartment wells from dark blue to black?


                • Mike M.
                  Director Region V
                  • September 1, 1994
                  • 1463

                  Re: 66 Jack storage compartment color

                  Nice work, Alex,
                  not odd at all, stranger things have happened to these cars over the years.
                  The car may have had black carpet at some point.
                  Shoot it blue and you will be good to go.


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