Can't Get Front Camber Set Right

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  • Mark A.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 1, 1996
    • 295

    Can't Get Front Camber Set Right

    I am getting my rolling chassis ready to set the body back on. I wanted to set the preliminary caster, camber and toe before setting the body on. I was able to set the left front camber at 0 degrees. The right front will not set. I have the nuts on the upper a-arms backed all the way to the end of the threads, and I am still at 1.5 degrees positive camber. In between the frame mounts where the control arm bolts go through measures 26.5 inches. I believe this is in tolerance with the specs. I changed to a different spindle, but have the same problem. The frame checks out square measuring diagonally. The dimensions are correct from center line to the 2 body mounts on the driver side that the service manual states. Any ideas? Thanks, Mark
  • Joseph K.
    • August 27, 2008
    • 407

    Re: Can't Get Front Camber Set Right

    The service manual has a diagram of the frame and measurements. I would compare it with the diagram. Are you sure there is no frame damage? I had my frame checked by a auto body shop that used laser measurements. I had this done because there was allot of welding on the frame. Once you put the weight back on the care you will probably have to have it aligned again.


    • Duke W.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • January 1, 1993
      • 15490

      Re: Can't Get Front Camber Set Right

      Unless you have the chassis set at the proper Z and D dimensions, you're wasting your time. If it's a rolling chassis the lack of weight from the body means the ride height is way too high. As the ride height increases, camber increases in the positive direction.



      • Mark A.
        Very Frequent User
        • February 1, 1996
        • 295

        Re: Can't Get Front Camber Set Right

        Are you saying that I may not have a problem? I was not aware that there is that much camber change with a difference in ride height. Mark


        • Duke W.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • January 1, 1993
          • 15490

          Re: Can't Get Front Camber Set Right


          The C2 has rather high suspension roll centers. This provides high roll stiffness from the springs, but yields considerable camber/track change through the range of jounce and rebound. This was a clever design feature and was okay with skinny bias ply tires of the day.

          Modern cars -especially those with wide, low profiles tires have much lower roll centers, which yield less camber/track change, but they need stiffer springs and big anti-roll bars for good roll control.

          Compare a C2 on a lift with the suspension drooping to a modern car on a lift and you get the idea.

          Last edited by Duke W.; January 7, 2009, 01:17 AM.


          • Mark A.
            Very Frequent User
            • February 1, 1996
            • 295

            Re: Can't Get Front Camber Set Right

            My car is a 69 which makes it a C-3. I assume your reference to the C-2 suspension would hold true for mine, since the design is basically the same since 63? Mark


            • Duke W.
              Beyond Control Poster
              • January 1, 1993
              • 15490

              Re: Can't Get Front Camber Set Right

              The rear roll center was reduced a couple of inches in '68, but the C3 front roll center was unchanged from C3.

              This means the C3 rear suspension shows less positive camber at full rebound than a C2, but the front is the same.



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