Leaded gasoline

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  • Stuart F.
    • September 1, 1996
    • 4676

    Re: Leaded gasoline


    There you go - you've run the gamut on opinions. The only other thing that can be said is that some people's "Myths and Misunderstandings" are other peoples conclusions learned from experience over many years.

    Stu Fox
    Last edited by Stuart F.; January 7, 2009, 04:04 PM. Reason: clarification


    • Grant M.
      Very Frequent User
      • September 1, 1995
      • 448

      Re: Leaded gasoline


      Thanks for the additional info. My recollection as to the fuel recommendation from GM in 1971 was correct, however, as my first car was a 1971 Camaro bought new. Unless there was a difference for "export" Camaros to Canada at the time, GM's statement to consumers as listed in the owner's manual and I think the sales brochure for 1971 was that their 1971 model year vehicles would run satisfactorily on "low lead" fuels. At the time, "un"leaded fuel wasn't even within the consciouness of (20 year old) lay people like myself. I don't doubt you're right about what GM management dictated corporately, though.



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