soft top latchs 1960

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  • Michael B.
    • April 1, 2008
    • 88

    soft top latchs 1960

    hello, this is another request for info on plating these latchs I had mine done and didn't like them. I have talked to new shop that say's they will take apart and plate but will not put back together has anybody put these back together ? thanks, MIchael
  • Roy B.
    • February 1, 1975
    • 7044

    Re: soft top latchs 1960

    Find a better shop


    • Howard M.
      • July 1, 2000
      • 124

      Re: soft top latchs 1960

      Hi Mike:
      I did the latches (front and rear deck) on my 60 by taking them apart and having the individual pieces replated. The disassembly process is critical in order to save the rivets. I couldn't find any replacements from the various aftermarket suppliers so I carefully salvaged all the rivets. The deck latches are tricky to reassemble because of the inner rivet that has to be accessed through the outer piece. Be careful of the spring in the front latch. These are also not available from in the aftermarket world. If you could find out who is making new parts for CC or Paragon, you might be able to talk them out of new rivets and springs. You also have to be careful that the plating does not go into the rivet hole (unless the hole is already oversized) or you'll have to ream out the hole to replace the rivets and take a chance of chipping the chrome around the hole. All in all, the job worked out O.K. but not sure I would want to do it again.


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