1963 Hi RPM Buzzer Tach Redline

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  • Joe R.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 1, 1976
    • 4546

    Re: 1963 Hi RPM Buzzer Tach Redline


    It's not the buzzer that's bad! It's the tach itself that gives the buzzer a ground and it buzzes.

    You will need to remove the instrument cluster and tachometer head and send either or both to a competent repair shop.


    Originally posted by Troy Pyles (14528)
    Do I understand you Joe to say the problem is in the buzzer it self? I'm not disagreeing but I was thinking that the buzzer wouldn't buzz unles it was getting a signal to do so from the tach. So I was guessing that there was something wrong in the wiring or tach. It would be nice to know it was just the buzzer so I wouldn't have to spend hours upside down chasing wiring issues.


    • Troy P.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • February 1, 1989
      • 1279

      Re: 1963 Hi RPM Buzzer Tach Redline

      Thanks for clarifying the source of my problem.


      • Joe R.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • August 1, 1976
        • 4546

        Re: 1963 Hi RPM Buzzer Tach Redline


        Like I said, Don't go into this dark night!

        I ain't!



        • Wayne M.
          • March 1, 1980
          • 6414

          Re: 1963 Hi RPM Buzzer Tach Redline

          Originally posted by Joe Ray (1011)
          Could someone shed some light on the early 1963 Hi RPM Tach with Buzzer. Specifically when did the earlier (maroon) or dark red redline tach phase out? I have a 1963 cluster with what to my thinking is a very very late tach with the maroon or (dark red) redline. Dated clusters or 63 serial numbers would be especially helpful.

          Apparently this information is not in the judging manual but should be incorporated into the next revision.....
          Joe -- with an early NCRS number like yours, you should be familiar with the RESTORER articles by Eric Gill, back in 1982 (Vols 8 #1 and #2). Therein he shows a table with orange/red zones w/buzzers up to 2300 (from his survey), then yellow/orange zones to 9243 [survey] (buzzer tach but no buzzer) , etc... He goes into much more detail than I've summarized, breaking the '63 tach's into 4 types.


          • Joe R.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • August 1, 1976
            • 4546

            Re: 1963 Hi RPM Buzzer Tach Redline


            Thank you for clearing up and answering my questions. Or at least, thanks to Eric Gill for answering the questions years ago.

            Yes, I have them in my lap reading them now. And it does answer all my questions. Hope this clears up the matter for other interested parties.

            Eric Gill and Mike Hunt wrote the most interesting articles (in my opinion) ever written about 63 (Eric) and 56-57 (Mike).

            Again, thanks for jogging my memory. I had all the answers I need on the shelf but it's hell getting old and forgetting. Probably going to have to invest in those new fangled CD's with all the "Restorers" on them.



            • Michael H.
              • January 29, 2008
              • 7477

              Re: 1963 Hi RPM Buzzer Tach Redline

              Originally posted by Joe Ray (1011)

              Thank you for clearing up and answering my questions. Or at least, thanks to Eric Gill for answering the questions years ago.

              Yes, I have them in my lap reading them now. And it does answer all my questions. Hope this clears up the matter for other interested parties.

              Eric Gill and Mike Hunt wrote the most interesting articles (in my opinion) ever written about 63 (Eric) and 56-57 (Mike).

              Again, thanks for jogging my memory. I had all the answers I need on the shelf but it's hell getting old and forgetting. Probably going to have to invest in those new fangled CD's with all the "Restorers" on them.

              So... is that saying that "all 340/360 HP tach colors after 63 VIN 2300 should be yellow/orange instead of orange/red like the one pictured below?? (could be called red/maroon)
              Last edited by Michael H.; September 23, 2009, 06:14 PM.


              • John D.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • December 1, 1979
                • 5507

                Re: 1963 Hi RPM Buzzer Tach Redline

                Joe, My 63 LWC in the 9900 range has a dark red-red line buzzer tach that doesn't buzz. When it was judged at two regionals the interior judges said they never saw such a thing. I didn't get a deduct for it but my judging sheets make note of it. Says tach color??
                Yes it would be a good thing to include in the 6th edition as it seems little is known about these tachs.I agree with Michael, etc that these tachs were used much later than we think. Trouble now is that with all the restos and repainted faces the red/orange ones are fairly rare.
                Nice to see you are alive and well even you have been MIA. Miss you. JD

                P.S. Earlier I told you wrong on the colors of the red line. Sorry. It's dark red on my buzzer tach. I will try and get a pic of it and send it via my cell phone to Hanson and then he can post it. But not until tomorrow. J
                Last edited by John D.; December 18, 2008, 04:22 PM.


                • Michael H.
                  • January 29, 2008
                  • 7477

                  Re: 1963 Hi RPM Buzzer Tach Redline

                  Originally posted by John DeGregory (2855)
                  P.S. Earlier I told you wrong on the colors of the red line. Sorry. It's dark red on my buzzer tach. I will try and get a pic of it and send it via my cell phone to Hanson and then he can post it. But not until tomorrow. J
                  JD, does your tach redline look just like the one I posted a few hours ago? And the same as the one I posted at the beginning of this thread?

                  I would describe the RPM warning zone (6300-6500) as orange. I would describe the broken connecting rod zone (6500-7000) as dark red.

                  Where are all the owners of unrestored 63's?? Are ALL the unrestored early 63's gone?
                  Last edited by Michael H.; December 18, 2008, 04:35 PM.


                  • Stuart F.
                    • September 1, 1996
                    • 4676

                    Re: 1963 Hi RPM Buzzer Tach Redline

                    With my unrestored 63 having such a high serial number, I've been content to sit back and read this one out until now. Of course mine is yellow/orange and it don't buzz at 6500, it just hollers "HELP!"

                    Stu Fox


                    • Joe R.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • August 1, 1976
                      • 4546

                      Re: 1963 Hi RPM Buzzer Tach Redline


                      The survey done by Eric Gill Volume 8 Number 4 Spring 1982 shows Orange/Red thru SN 2300 with a buzzer tach/buzzer. Yellow/Orange thru SN 9243 with a buzzer tach/no buzzer and Yellow/Orange thru 20987 without a buzzer tach or buzzer. He also sites that all replacement tachs from Delco (NOS) were Orange/Red with buzzer tach just like the one in your picture.

                      Looks like a great survey and supported by all the information that I have along with many owners reporting.

                      Michael, the Dave McDonald car in your picture SN I believe is 684 and supports the above data.

                      John you need to get rid of that replacement tach in your buggy! All information available points to it being wrong. Another NOS part with the wrong application in your case.



                      • Duke W.
                        Beyond Control Poster
                        • January 1, 1993
                        • 15497

                        Re: 1963 Hi RPM Buzzer Tach Redline

                        I kept trying to find that "buzzer" that was supposed to be there on my March-production SWC... 6500, 7000, then somewhere between 7000 and zero... ah, sh...t,
                        I just blew the engine.

                        My just under sequence no. 11,000 L-76 color zones are yellow - (orangy) red and are probably less faded than most.

                        From what I recall reading in the marketing information the buzzer was supposedly on only L-84, but both L-76 and L-84 got them in very early production.

                        Last edited by Duke W.; December 18, 2008, 11:35 PM.


                        • Michael H.
                          • January 29, 2008
                          • 7477

                          Re: 1963 Hi RPM Buzzer Tach Redline

                          Originally posted by Joe Ray (1011)

                          The survey done by Eric Gill Volume 8 Number 4 Spring 1982 shows Orange/Red thru SN 2300 with a buzzer tach/buzzer. Yellow/Orange thru SN 9243 with a buzzer tach/no buzzer and Yellow/Orange thru 20987 without a buzzer tach or buzzer. JR
                          I think the data is incorrect, or being interpreted incorrectly. It should read "cars from SOP to aprox #2300 have a orange/maroon buzzer tach and buzzer. Cars from #2300 to aprox 9000 have the orange/maroon buzzer tach but no buzzer. Cars after aprox 9000 have a yellow/orange non buzzer tach without buzzer.

                          I have a LOT of cars in the 2300 to 9000 VIN range with the orange/maroon tach colors. Just a few that some folks may know of are;

                          The Krughoff red/red FI coupe, #5415, with around 7000 original miles. Absolutely incredible untouched original interior and orange/maroon tach.

                          Helene Zasadny's white FI coupe, #84xx, was original owner and untouched well known car with orange/maroon tach.

                          We know, absolutely, that these cars have not been apart.

                          I have several more just like these on file.


                          • Joe R.
                            Extremely Frequent Poster
                            • August 1, 1976
                            • 4546

                            Re: 1963 Hi RPM Buzzer Tach Redline


                            You should contact Eric Gill and maybe he could update his survey.

                            Where were you and these examples in 1982? You should have participated during that era. Eric did a series of 63 and ZO-6 articles for the "Restorer". They were teriffic!

                            They can be found on the NCRS CD series from Cincy. Review those for updates on your information.



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